Some Ayurvedic Tips for Health and Vigor
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Health Tips:
Some Ayurvedic Tips For Health and Vigor
The series on Ayurveda aims at acquainting the readers of “Akhand Jyoti: The Light Divine” with the easy-to-use preventive and therapeutic modes of this Vedic Science of Life. The broad topics covered under this series since 2003 include: Interpretation and Reinvestigation of Ayurvedic Philosophy of Well-being in New Scientific Light; Yoga and Ayurveda; Diagnostics in Ayruveda; Tips of Routine and Daily Practices for Sustenance and Augmentation of Vigor and Immunity; Ayurvedic Decoction Therapy – significant findings and prescriptions of the Herbal Lab at Brahmvarchas Research Centre, Shantikunj, Hardwar.
Sound mind, happy heart and healthy body are interdependent. The founders of Ayurveda had well understood and incorporated this fact in this ancient Indian science of medicine. Today, the luxurious life-style, stressful jobs, environmental pollution, and varieties of complications in the familial and social system have increased the psychosomatic disorders at an alarming rate. The clinical studies and surveys across the globe show hypertension, diabetes, cardiac diseases and spinal problems, muscular spasm and body-pains as common health hazards of this category. Imbalanced, stressful routine, excessively ambitious and cutthroat competition, comfort-driven attitude, smoking, high-calorie lavish food are identified as the major causes of these diseases/disorders.
“Akhand Jyoti” (Hindi) has been providing practical guidance from time to time, on how one could enhance the resistance and vitality levels of the body by some simple practices of scientific spirituality and art of living. Many readers of this Hindi magazine and its translated versions have benefited by adopting these guidelines. However, the need for risk-free, effective and low-cost medicines remains important, given the rising number of patients all over the world.
In view of the limitations of modern medicines in curing and controlling the psychosomatic disorders and diseases, the relevance and importance of herbal/plant medicines as effective alternative and complementary therapies has been recognized by the frontline scientists over the few decades. Extensive research is now going on in several reputed laboratories in these areas. However, the modern, especially the Western experimental methods revolve around identification, extraction and large-scale production of active chemical compounds from plants and herbs prescribed in Ayurveda and Chinese Scriptures of Medicines. This approach ignores the radical component of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines, viz., synergistic effects of whole herb/plant, the vital energy of its fresh natural form processed without chemicals, etc.
The Ayurvedic research laboratories at Brahmvarcha Research Centre and Dev Sanskriti Univeristy, Shantikunj Hardwar have taken up the challenge to reinvestigate and prepare herbal/phyto- medicines as per the original Vedic scriptural guidance after confirming the identify, morphology and natural properties of the plants. Apart from the innovative decoction therapy, the researchers here have brought out varieties of medicines for common complaints ranging from headache, body-ache, sprain, common cold, acidity, constipation, diarhorrea, dysentery, to skin allergies and dandruff. Effective brain-energizers like Sarawasti Panchak, Pragya Peya and multipurpose, season-specific tonics of delicious taste such as Ashwagandha Paak, Chuharra Paak, dry and paste forms of Chyavanpraash, are among their major contributions. Most importantly, the Pharmacy of Shantikunj is the also the first and perhaps the only in the world that cites one-day to several months’ expiry dates on each medicine and tonic, as per the optimal period of natural effects of the products.
Yagyopathy lab here is the only scientific lab in the world for yagya-therapy research. Pioneering research and therapeutic applications studied here have shown promising role of this unique Vedic method of Ayurvedic healing. Our future series will focus on yagya-therapy.
The series for the year 2006 pertains to Ayruvedic herbal treatment of some common diseases, which have been the cause of serious concern since past couple of decades. Like the earlier series on Ayurvedic Therapies, this series is also based on the information on theoretical investigation of the ancient scriptures and experimental research findings available at the Brahmvarchas Research Centre's Herbal Lab and the positive outcomes of large-scale therapeutic applications prescribed at the allied hospitals/clinics of the Gayatri Pariwar.
(1) Dry Powders and Tablets against High Blood Pressure:
Ingredients: Brahmi 200gm, Shankpushpi 100gm, Jatamansi 200gm, Vijaya 200gm, Kalijiri (bitter) 100gm, Ajmoda 50gm, Sarpgandha 400gm, Rock Salt 25gm, Ajvain 50gm, Mukta Pishti 10gm, Prabal Pishti 20gm, Silver Bhasm 10gm, Shankha Bhasm 50gm, Nausadar 10gm, Arjun Chhal 100gm, Punarnava 100gm, Sajji Khar 10gm, Sweet Soda 15gm.
Mix the above combinations and grind the mixture into fine powder. Filter it through a thin clean cloth. Then either make small pills of 0.5 gm each and dry them nicely, or put 0.5gm each of this dry power in capsules. Keep the pills or capsules in airtight bottles, protected from heat and moisture. For making pills a paste of the filtered powder is made by adding appropriate amounts of water or Ghratkumari (Ghee Kunvar) in it.
One-one tablet each, with plain water, in the morning and evening is prescribed for adult patients of high BP.
(2) Digestive Tablets:
Ingredients: Laghu Haritika (small Harad) 125gm, Hing (asafetida) 2gm, Black Pepper 10gm, Jira 20gm, Rock Salt 40gm, Sendha Namak 20gm, Edible Soda 10gm, Amchoora 100gm, Tartaric Acid 5gm, Sugar 150gm, Mulethi (Madhuyeshti) 25gm, Camphor essence 2gm, Saunf 20gm, Anardana 75gm. If Anardana is not available, then extra 75gm of Harad should be used.
Mix the above ingredients and grind them finely to make a smooth powder. Further filter it using a thin, clean cloth. Make a hard-dough of this powder using water. Tablets of 0.5 gm each should be made and dried in dry air. Capsules could also be prepared as in case (1) above. In case of acidity of gastric complaint or problems in digestion, take one or two of these tasty sour-sweet tablets/capsules with 200gms of lukewarm water. It gives instant relief and helps setting the digestive system right.
(3) Tablets against Diabetes:
Ingredients: Turmeric 100gm, Nirmali Beeja 100gm, Kalmegh 100gm, Saptrangi 100gm, Giloya 100gm, Khas 100gm, Lajavanti Beeja 100gm, Punarnava 100gm, Shilajeet 100gm, Bilva 100gm, Koottha (bitter) 100gm, Kutaj 100gm, Methi (Fenugreek) 100gm, Atees 50gm, Powdered stones of Mango and Black Plum (Jamun) 50gm each, Daru Haldi 100gm, dried Kaith Pulp 50gm, Kutaki 100gm, Vijaya 50gm, Khusarani Ajavian 25 gm, Brahmi 100gm, Shankhpushpi 100gm, Shatavar 100gm, Gorakh Mundi 100gm, Sweet Bacha 100gm.
The above ingredients should be mixed and grinded well using a Kharal (a kind of stone-made hand grinder). Once the powder becomes fine enough it should be further filtered using a clean, thin cloth-piece. Tiny tablets (of the size of one grain of black gram) should be made from its dough prepared by mixing appropriate amounts of Ghratkumari in it.
Diabetic patients should take one tablet each with water every day in the morning and evening. They should also observe the diet restrictions as advised by their doctors. These tables alleviate the disorder of glucose homeostatic system and also stimulate the pancreas to regulate the in-vivo production of insulin and thus provide good remedial effect.
(4) Pain Relieving Oils:
Patients of Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and varieties of bone and vertebral column related problems and also the aging people suffer from joints-pain, backache, leg pain, knee pain and what not. Such complaints have become quite common these days. Instead of taking chemically synthesized modern pain killing medicines and spoiling the natural harmony of the physiological system, the Ayurvedic decoction of fresh herbal/plant medicines (some of which were described in the earlier series) should be tried out with appropriate yoga-exercises. Massaging with natural herbal oils provides excellent support in relieving or substantially allaying the pains in most cases. We present below the method of preparation of a herbal oil of this kind.
Ingredients: (1) Mustard oil 100gm, (2) Methi beeja (Fenugreek seeds) 10gm, (3) Dhatura beeja 10gm, (4) Kaner root (Yellow Kaner) 10gm, (5) Kuchala seeds 10 gm, (6) Juice of Aak root or leafs 10gm, (7) Bhanga leafs 4gm, (8) Garlic 4gm, (9) Atis 3gm, (10) Red Chilly seeds 2gm, (11) Ajvain 3gm, (12) Bhilava 5gm, (13) Root of Kantakari (Bhatkataiya) 10gm, (14) Kalihari roots 3gm, (15) Priyangu seeds 3gm, (16) Tobacco 2gm, (17) Shankhiya (to be used only if necessary) 2gm, (18) Bach 5gm, (19) Turmeric 5gm, (20) Nagphani 10gm, (21) Peppermint essence 5gm, (22) Ajvain (aniseed) essence 2gm, (23) Camphor (Bhimseni Kapoor) essence 10gm, (24) Methyl Salicylate 20ml, (25) Terpentine oil 3ml, (26) Eucelyptus oil 3ml.
Method of Preparation: Chop or crush the plant medicines/herbs stated at sr. nos. (2) to (20) into small pieces of the size of a wheat grain. (Note: Shankhiya should be used only in case of acute pains). Then cook them in the mustard oil in mild heat. Stir it for 2-3 minutes with the help of cooking spoon so that nothing burns or sticks on the casserole. The mix is ready. Its heating should be put off when it becomes blackish and the mustard oil begins to smell of burning. Let it cool up to some lukewarm temperature. Then filter it using a clean cloth-piece. The mix on the cloth should be pressed and shaken properly with the help of a spoon so that all the oil and essence of the herbs is squeezed out.
Keep the items listed at (21)-(23) in a steel or glass utensil and stir thoroughly to make a uniform solution. Mix this liquid in the filtered herbal oil (prepared by the above-described method). Then successively dissolve the constituents listed at sr. nos. (24)-(26) in this preparation. The oil is now ready for use. Keep it in a glass bottle using adequate airtight lid.
For stronger remedial and therapeutic effects, about 50 to 100gm of condensed fresh urine of cow and about 50gm liquid extracted from fresh cow dung are also used. These are first boiled in 125gm of mustard oil; the layers deposited on oil during this process are to be removed with help of a spoon. Stop heating when the cow-urine and cow-dung water evaporate completely. Now there will be about 100 gm of ‘processed’ mustard oil. Let it cool and mix the ingredients listed above at sr. nos. (2)-(20) and repeat the method described above.
This oil is only for external use. As it has some toxicity, it should not be applied in any part above the neck. It should be kept away from the reach of children. As a precaution, it should not be used by pregnant women.
As per Ayurvedic diagnostics, often the pains in body parts, especially joints, back or sciatica types occur due to the ailments of V³ta. It is recommended in such cases to drink one spoon of castor oil. It should be continued for 1 or 2 days only. It works like an anima and clears the stomach of the undigested, rotten accumulations that give rise to v³ta. In case taking castor oil with plain water is not effective, two spoons of this oil should be drank in with a glass of lukewarm milk. In rare cases, even if with two spoons the patient does not get loose motions, the amount may be increased as per the recommendations of Ayurvedic doctors. This remedy should be repeated after a week. Taking the decoctions of Dashmula and Maharasna (preparations described in earlier series; this magazine 2004) renders healthy support in this treatment.
Some Ayurvedic Tips For Health and Vigor
The series on Ayurveda aims at acquainting the readers of “Akhand Jyoti: The Light Divine” with the easy-to-use preventive and therapeutic modes of this Vedic Science of Life. The broad topics covered under this series since 2003 include: Interpretation and Reinvestigation of Ayurvedic Philosophy of Well-being in New Scientific Light; Yoga and Ayurveda; Diagnostics in Ayruveda; Tips of Routine and Daily Practices for Sustenance and Augmentation of Vigor and Immunity; Ayurvedic Decoction Therapy – significant findings and prescriptions of the Herbal Lab at Brahmvarchas Research Centre, Shantikunj, Hardwar.
Sound mind, happy heart and healthy body are interdependent. The founders of Ayurveda had well understood and incorporated this fact in this ancient Indian science of medicine. Today, the luxurious life-style, stressful jobs, environmental pollution, and varieties of complications in the familial and social system have increased the psychosomatic disorders at an alarming rate. The clinical studies and surveys across the globe show hypertension, diabetes, cardiac diseases and spinal problems, muscular spasm and body-pains as common health hazards of this category. Imbalanced, stressful routine, excessively ambitious and cutthroat competition, comfort-driven attitude, smoking, high-calorie lavish food are identified as the major causes of these diseases/disorders.
“Akhand Jyoti” (Hindi) has been providing practical guidance from time to time, on how one could enhance the resistance and vitality levels of the body by some simple practices of scientific spirituality and art of living. Many readers of this Hindi magazine and its translated versions have benefited by adopting these guidelines. However, the need for risk-free, effective and low-cost medicines remains important, given the rising number of patients all over the world.
In view of the limitations of modern medicines in curing and controlling the psychosomatic disorders and diseases, the relevance and importance of herbal/plant medicines as effective alternative and complementary therapies has been recognized by the frontline scientists over the few decades. Extensive research is now going on in several reputed laboratories in these areas. However, the modern, especially the Western experimental methods revolve around identification, extraction and large-scale production of active chemical compounds from plants and herbs prescribed in Ayurveda and Chinese Scriptures of Medicines. This approach ignores the radical component of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines, viz., synergistic effects of whole herb/plant, the vital energy of its fresh natural form processed without chemicals, etc.
The Ayurvedic research laboratories at Brahmvarcha Research Centre and Dev Sanskriti Univeristy, Shantikunj Hardwar have taken up the challenge to reinvestigate and prepare herbal/phyto- medicines as per the original Vedic scriptural guidance after confirming the identify, morphology and natural properties of the plants. Apart from the innovative decoction therapy, the researchers here have brought out varieties of medicines for common complaints ranging from headache, body-ache, sprain, common cold, acidity, constipation, diarhorrea, dysentery, to skin allergies and dandruff. Effective brain-energizers like Sarawasti Panchak, Pragya Peya and multipurpose, season-specific tonics of delicious taste such as Ashwagandha Paak, Chuharra Paak, dry and paste forms of Chyavanpraash, are among their major contributions. Most importantly, the Pharmacy of Shantikunj is the also the first and perhaps the only in the world that cites one-day to several months’ expiry dates on each medicine and tonic, as per the optimal period of natural effects of the products.
Yagyopathy lab here is the only scientific lab in the world for yagya-therapy research. Pioneering research and therapeutic applications studied here have shown promising role of this unique Vedic method of Ayurvedic healing. Our future series will focus on yagya-therapy.
The series for the year 2006 pertains to Ayruvedic herbal treatment of some common diseases, which have been the cause of serious concern since past couple of decades. Like the earlier series on Ayurvedic Therapies, this series is also based on the information on theoretical investigation of the ancient scriptures and experimental research findings available at the Brahmvarchas Research Centre's Herbal Lab and the positive outcomes of large-scale therapeutic applications prescribed at the allied hospitals/clinics of the Gayatri Pariwar.
(1) Dry Powders and Tablets against High Blood Pressure:
Ingredients: Brahmi 200gm, Shankpushpi 100gm, Jatamansi 200gm, Vijaya 200gm, Kalijiri (bitter) 100gm, Ajmoda 50gm, Sarpgandha 400gm, Rock Salt 25gm, Ajvain 50gm, Mukta Pishti 10gm, Prabal Pishti 20gm, Silver Bhasm 10gm, Shankha Bhasm 50gm, Nausadar 10gm, Arjun Chhal 100gm, Punarnava 100gm, Sajji Khar 10gm, Sweet Soda 15gm.
Mix the above combinations and grind the mixture into fine powder. Filter it through a thin clean cloth. Then either make small pills of 0.5 gm each and dry them nicely, or put 0.5gm each of this dry power in capsules. Keep the pills or capsules in airtight bottles, protected from heat and moisture. For making pills a paste of the filtered powder is made by adding appropriate amounts of water or Ghratkumari (Ghee Kunvar) in it.
One-one tablet each, with plain water, in the morning and evening is prescribed for adult patients of high BP.
(2) Digestive Tablets:
Ingredients: Laghu Haritika (small Harad) 125gm, Hing (asafetida) 2gm, Black Pepper 10gm, Jira 20gm, Rock Salt 40gm, Sendha Namak 20gm, Edible Soda 10gm, Amchoora 100gm, Tartaric Acid 5gm, Sugar 150gm, Mulethi (Madhuyeshti) 25gm, Camphor essence 2gm, Saunf 20gm, Anardana 75gm. If Anardana is not available, then extra 75gm of Harad should be used.
Mix the above ingredients and grind them finely to make a smooth powder. Further filter it using a thin, clean cloth. Make a hard-dough of this powder using water. Tablets of 0.5 gm each should be made and dried in dry air. Capsules could also be prepared as in case (1) above. In case of acidity of gastric complaint or problems in digestion, take one or two of these tasty sour-sweet tablets/capsules with 200gms of lukewarm water. It gives instant relief and helps setting the digestive system right.
(3) Tablets against Diabetes:
Ingredients: Turmeric 100gm, Nirmali Beeja 100gm, Kalmegh 100gm, Saptrangi 100gm, Giloya 100gm, Khas 100gm, Lajavanti Beeja 100gm, Punarnava 100gm, Shilajeet 100gm, Bilva 100gm, Koottha (bitter) 100gm, Kutaj 100gm, Methi (Fenugreek) 100gm, Atees 50gm, Powdered stones of Mango and Black Plum (Jamun) 50gm each, Daru Haldi 100gm, dried Kaith Pulp 50gm, Kutaki 100gm, Vijaya 50gm, Khusarani Ajavian 25 gm, Brahmi 100gm, Shankhpushpi 100gm, Shatavar 100gm, Gorakh Mundi 100gm, Sweet Bacha 100gm.
The above ingredients should be mixed and grinded well using a Kharal (a kind of stone-made hand grinder). Once the powder becomes fine enough it should be further filtered using a clean, thin cloth-piece. Tiny tablets (of the size of one grain of black gram) should be made from its dough prepared by mixing appropriate amounts of Ghratkumari in it.
Diabetic patients should take one tablet each with water every day in the morning and evening. They should also observe the diet restrictions as advised by their doctors. These tables alleviate the disorder of glucose homeostatic system and also stimulate the pancreas to regulate the in-vivo production of insulin and thus provide good remedial effect.
(4) Pain Relieving Oils:
Patients of Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and varieties of bone and vertebral column related problems and also the aging people suffer from joints-pain, backache, leg pain, knee pain and what not. Such complaints have become quite common these days. Instead of taking chemically synthesized modern pain killing medicines and spoiling the natural harmony of the physiological system, the Ayurvedic decoction of fresh herbal/plant medicines (some of which were described in the earlier series) should be tried out with appropriate yoga-exercises. Massaging with natural herbal oils provides excellent support in relieving or substantially allaying the pains in most cases. We present below the method of preparation of a herbal oil of this kind.
Ingredients: (1) Mustard oil 100gm, (2) Methi beeja (Fenugreek seeds) 10gm, (3) Dhatura beeja 10gm, (4) Kaner root (Yellow Kaner) 10gm, (5) Kuchala seeds 10 gm, (6) Juice of Aak root or leafs 10gm, (7) Bhanga leafs 4gm, (8) Garlic 4gm, (9) Atis 3gm, (10) Red Chilly seeds 2gm, (11) Ajvain 3gm, (12) Bhilava 5gm, (13) Root of Kantakari (Bhatkataiya) 10gm, (14) Kalihari roots 3gm, (15) Priyangu seeds 3gm, (16) Tobacco 2gm, (17) Shankhiya (to be used only if necessary) 2gm, (18) Bach 5gm, (19) Turmeric 5gm, (20) Nagphani 10gm, (21) Peppermint essence 5gm, (22) Ajvain (aniseed) essence 2gm, (23) Camphor (Bhimseni Kapoor) essence 10gm, (24) Methyl Salicylate 20ml, (25) Terpentine oil 3ml, (26) Eucelyptus oil 3ml.
Method of Preparation: Chop or crush the plant medicines/herbs stated at sr. nos. (2) to (20) into small pieces of the size of a wheat grain. (Note: Shankhiya should be used only in case of acute pains). Then cook them in the mustard oil in mild heat. Stir it for 2-3 minutes with the help of cooking spoon so that nothing burns or sticks on the casserole. The mix is ready. Its heating should be put off when it becomes blackish and the mustard oil begins to smell of burning. Let it cool up to some lukewarm temperature. Then filter it using a clean cloth-piece. The mix on the cloth should be pressed and shaken properly with the help of a spoon so that all the oil and essence of the herbs is squeezed out.
Keep the items listed at (21)-(23) in a steel or glass utensil and stir thoroughly to make a uniform solution. Mix this liquid in the filtered herbal oil (prepared by the above-described method). Then successively dissolve the constituents listed at sr. nos. (24)-(26) in this preparation. The oil is now ready for use. Keep it in a glass bottle using adequate airtight lid.
For stronger remedial and therapeutic effects, about 50 to 100gm of condensed fresh urine of cow and about 50gm liquid extracted from fresh cow dung are also used. These are first boiled in 125gm of mustard oil; the layers deposited on oil during this process are to be removed with help of a spoon. Stop heating when the cow-urine and cow-dung water evaporate completely. Now there will be about 100 gm of ‘processed’ mustard oil. Let it cool and mix the ingredients listed above at sr. nos. (2)-(20) and repeat the method described above.
This oil is only for external use. As it has some toxicity, it should not be applied in any part above the neck. It should be kept away from the reach of children. As a precaution, it should not be used by pregnant women.
As per Ayurvedic diagnostics, often the pains in body parts, especially joints, back or sciatica types occur due to the ailments of V³ta. It is recommended in such cases to drink one spoon of castor oil. It should be continued for 1 or 2 days only. It works like an anima and clears the stomach of the undigested, rotten accumulations that give rise to v³ta. In case taking castor oil with plain water is not effective, two spoons of this oil should be drank in with a glass of lukewarm milk. In rare cases, even if with two spoons the patient does not get loose motions, the amount may be increased as per the recommendations of Ayurvedic doctors. This remedy should be repeated after a week. Taking the decoctions of Dashmula and Maharasna (preparations described in earlier series; this magazine 2004) renders healthy support in this treatment.