Magazine - Year 2006 - Version 1
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Now is the Moment of Pragyavatar Let Us Make Ourselves Worthy Channels of Its Flow
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Let Us Make Ourselves Worthy Channels of Its Flow
Gayatri Parijans around the globe will be celebrating June 06, 2006 as Gayatri Jayanti Parva – the holy day of descent of Gayatri Mahashakti for the creation of this world. This day is also celebrated as Ganga Dussehra – the torrential descent of the holy Ganga on Earth. In Gayatri Mahamantra is condensed the Ritambhara Pragya – the Supreme Knowledge – Wisdom of the Divine Spirit.
While celebrating this Parva, let each of us understand and appreciate that we are living at a time of unprecedented challenges and opportunities; time of unique spiritual significance when Ritambhara Pragya is covertly emerging in human consciousness and will transform our hatred and strife-torn world of chaos, confusion and conflict into one of harmony, peace, light and love. We will see with wonder the descent and manifestation of the Tenth Avatar – Pragyavatar – with twenty-four attributes of Divinity. Of course it will be an impersonal Avatar in the global human consciousness, with personal manifestations in rarely evolved human souls here and there. Our Gurudev has been one such soul – in fact the Prophet of the New Avatar. Earlier in our Pauranic chain of Avatars, Sri Ram (with twelve divine attributes) was the seventh; Sri Krishna (with sixteen divine attributes) the eighth; and Bhagwan Buddha (with twenty divine attributes) the ninth.
At this epoch-changing juncture, our Gurusatta expects us to make ourselves fit instruments for the work of the Pragyavatar through intense and single – pointed Sadhana of self-purification and self-transcendence; so that we are able to contribute our mite towards the fulfillment of the Avatar’s mission – creation of Heaven on Earth. It is through the synchronistic working of Divine Grace and human effort that this momentous transformation can take place. We as souls are sparks of the Divine and not mere playthings and puppets in the hands of soulless planetary configurations. We have to BELIEVE and have FAITH in our Divine Origin. To a large extent, man is the maker of his own destiny. The Divine Teacher of Gita stresses this fact as follows:
Satwanuroopa sarvasya shraddha bhavati Bharat |
Shraddhamayoayam purusho yo yachraddhah sa eva sah || (Gita 17/3)
Meaning: The faith in each man takes the shape given to it by his staff of being. The soul in man is made of faith; and whatever is that faith in him, that is he.
The twenty four attributes of the new Avatar are symbolized by twenty four alphabets of Gayatri Mahamantra. Similarly, the three steps of the Mahamantra signify the tree main paths of sanatan spiritual sadhana – ‘Om bhoorbhuvah swah’ signifies adoration of the Supreme Spirit (Bhakti Yoga); ‘Tat saviturvarenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi’ signifies the urge and seeking of Effulgent Truth, Supreme Knowledge and Wisdom (Gyan Yoga); and ‘Dhiyo yonah prochodayat’ – exhortation for concentrated sadhana of purification and sublimation of our intellect and other instruments and yoking them into selfless service (Karma yoga).
True, on the surface, the human scene is depressing. Material science has obviously become the new God. It has created seeming miracles in the fields of medicine, architecture, knowledge economy, instant communication, supersonic and space travel, genetic manipulation, etc. The feats are mind-boggling. Science may have alleviated the miseries of disease and drudgery and provided us with an array of gadgetry for our ‘enervating’ entertainment and convenience, but it has simultaneously destroyed our faith as spiritual beings going through human experience; our sense of wonder, hope, love courage and compassion as immortal spiritual entities. It has robbed us of our urge of search for ‘Meaning’ and ‘Purpose’. We feel utterly alone in an alien world, inspite of the electronically provided instant connectivity. From all sides we are being continuously bombarded with horrifying scenes of hatred, insensitivity to suffering and betrayal. We are desperately crying out for rescue from this man-created hell. This is the time of utter crisis of faith and total devaluation of life-nurturing values. Faith in the Creative Supreme Spirit (The Divine) and adherence to life-nurturing moral and ethical values alone can rescue us from this self-created hell.
Our cries have been heard and the impersonal Pragyavatar of love, light, knowledge and blissful life is unmistakably emerging from behind the dark veil of the prevailing chaos. It is calling upon awakening human souls to become fit instruments for the flow of its redeeming divine energies. Our Gurudev has pronounced in unambiguous terms the advent of the new Pragya Avavtar. It behooves us, his spiritual progeny, to attentively listen to the clarion call of the Yug Rishi and join the ranks of the warriors of Light. Like Arjun let each one of us respond “I WILL DO YOUR BIDDING.” We must not allow ourselves to be drugged and lulled into sleep of self-forgetfulness by allurements of sensual comforts and conveniences and illusory dreams.
Let us also not forget on this parva of Ganga Dussehra, to do what best we can to restore Mother Ganga to its pristine purity. Through our follies of omissions and commissions, we have converted its holy and sanctifying waters into a stinking stream of effluents and pollutants.
This is the time of the Great Battle (Mahabharat) to be fought as soldiers of Light and Righteousness inside ourselves against the hordes of darkness and devilry. This is the time of greatest growth, greatest opportunity and utmost commitment to the Divine cause.
We are fortunate to have our Guide and Teacher such a Yug Rishi. We only have to contemplate seriously: Can we become the fit instruments of Mahakal – The Time Spirit?
With Love-filled Greetings
Pranav Pandya
Gayatri Parijans around the globe will be celebrating June 06, 2006 as Gayatri Jayanti Parva – the holy day of descent of Gayatri Mahashakti for the creation of this world. This day is also celebrated as Ganga Dussehra – the torrential descent of the holy Ganga on Earth. In Gayatri Mahamantra is condensed the Ritambhara Pragya – the Supreme Knowledge – Wisdom of the Divine Spirit.
While celebrating this Parva, let each of us understand and appreciate that we are living at a time of unprecedented challenges and opportunities; time of unique spiritual significance when Ritambhara Pragya is covertly emerging in human consciousness and will transform our hatred and strife-torn world of chaos, confusion and conflict into one of harmony, peace, light and love. We will see with wonder the descent and manifestation of the Tenth Avatar – Pragyavatar – with twenty-four attributes of Divinity. Of course it will be an impersonal Avatar in the global human consciousness, with personal manifestations in rarely evolved human souls here and there. Our Gurudev has been one such soul – in fact the Prophet of the New Avatar. Earlier in our Pauranic chain of Avatars, Sri Ram (with twelve divine attributes) was the seventh; Sri Krishna (with sixteen divine attributes) the eighth; and Bhagwan Buddha (with twenty divine attributes) the ninth.
At this epoch-changing juncture, our Gurusatta expects us to make ourselves fit instruments for the work of the Pragyavatar through intense and single – pointed Sadhana of self-purification and self-transcendence; so that we are able to contribute our mite towards the fulfillment of the Avatar’s mission – creation of Heaven on Earth. It is through the synchronistic working of Divine Grace and human effort that this momentous transformation can take place. We as souls are sparks of the Divine and not mere playthings and puppets in the hands of soulless planetary configurations. We have to BELIEVE and have FAITH in our Divine Origin. To a large extent, man is the maker of his own destiny. The Divine Teacher of Gita stresses this fact as follows:
Satwanuroopa sarvasya shraddha bhavati Bharat |
Shraddhamayoayam purusho yo yachraddhah sa eva sah || (Gita 17/3)
Meaning: The faith in each man takes the shape given to it by his staff of being. The soul in man is made of faith; and whatever is that faith in him, that is he.
The twenty four attributes of the new Avatar are symbolized by twenty four alphabets of Gayatri Mahamantra. Similarly, the three steps of the Mahamantra signify the tree main paths of sanatan spiritual sadhana – ‘Om bhoorbhuvah swah’ signifies adoration of the Supreme Spirit (Bhakti Yoga); ‘Tat saviturvarenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi’ signifies the urge and seeking of Effulgent Truth, Supreme Knowledge and Wisdom (Gyan Yoga); and ‘Dhiyo yonah prochodayat’ – exhortation for concentrated sadhana of purification and sublimation of our intellect and other instruments and yoking them into selfless service (Karma yoga).
True, on the surface, the human scene is depressing. Material science has obviously become the new God. It has created seeming miracles in the fields of medicine, architecture, knowledge economy, instant communication, supersonic and space travel, genetic manipulation, etc. The feats are mind-boggling. Science may have alleviated the miseries of disease and drudgery and provided us with an array of gadgetry for our ‘enervating’ entertainment and convenience, but it has simultaneously destroyed our faith as spiritual beings going through human experience; our sense of wonder, hope, love courage and compassion as immortal spiritual entities. It has robbed us of our urge of search for ‘Meaning’ and ‘Purpose’. We feel utterly alone in an alien world, inspite of the electronically provided instant connectivity. From all sides we are being continuously bombarded with horrifying scenes of hatred, insensitivity to suffering and betrayal. We are desperately crying out for rescue from this man-created hell. This is the time of utter crisis of faith and total devaluation of life-nurturing values. Faith in the Creative Supreme Spirit (The Divine) and adherence to life-nurturing moral and ethical values alone can rescue us from this self-created hell.
Our cries have been heard and the impersonal Pragyavatar of love, light, knowledge and blissful life is unmistakably emerging from behind the dark veil of the prevailing chaos. It is calling upon awakening human souls to become fit instruments for the flow of its redeeming divine energies. Our Gurudev has pronounced in unambiguous terms the advent of the new Pragya Avavtar. It behooves us, his spiritual progeny, to attentively listen to the clarion call of the Yug Rishi and join the ranks of the warriors of Light. Like Arjun let each one of us respond “I WILL DO YOUR BIDDING.” We must not allow ourselves to be drugged and lulled into sleep of self-forgetfulness by allurements of sensual comforts and conveniences and illusory dreams.
Let us also not forget on this parva of Ganga Dussehra, to do what best we can to restore Mother Ganga to its pristine purity. Through our follies of omissions and commissions, we have converted its holy and sanctifying waters into a stinking stream of effluents and pollutants.
This is the time of the Great Battle (Mahabharat) to be fought as soldiers of Light and Righteousness inside ourselves against the hordes of darkness and devilry. This is the time of greatest growth, greatest opportunity and utmost commitment to the Divine cause.
We are fortunate to have our Guide and Teacher such a Yug Rishi. We only have to contemplate seriously: Can we become the fit instruments of Mahakal – The Time Spirit?
With Love-filled Greetings
Pranav Pandya