Magazine - Year 2006 - Version 1
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Do Colors Affect Body-Mind System?
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Colors mesmerize with their beauty and have a magnetic attraction. The effect they leave on the body-mind system of the viewer is deep and profound. Different colors have their unique attributes and effects. On this basis, experiments to determine their therapeutic value are being designed and tested for mental, physical, emotional and even spiritual purposes.
Therapeutic use of colors is a very ancient practice and this science has developed with the time. The earliest experiments of this therapy are considered to have been conducted in India and China. Evidence of such experiments is also found in ancient Egypt and Greece. In the middle of the 19th century researches were made in Europe and America to find out the linkage between colors and healing. In those days color therapy was known as ‘syntonics’. Dr. Harry Riley Spitler of USA is regarded as the pioneer of this science. He found that when different colors were passed one by one before a patient’s eyes they induced certain mental and physical changes in him. Such experiments gradually led to a better perception about the therapeutic value of colors and they began to be used as alternative or complementary medicine.
Although the primary colors are only three; traditionally there have been seven main colors which also form the constituent colors of sunlight – violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Upanishads have related these colors to seven Chakras (subtle energy centers) in our body. A change in these colors has a corresponding effect upon the body-mind system. If the magnitude of this change exceeds a certain quantum, it produces ailments.
The red color is associated with mooladhar chakra (supposed to be located between genitals and anus). It symbolizes vital force, determination and alertness. Its medicinal use is in the conditions of cough and cold, anemia and low blood pressure. It is also employed in management of stress. Red produces courage, revenge and hatred too. This color represents the fire element. Hence it generates heat and energy in the body. It excites the nervous system and thus cures the weaknesses connected with the faculties of touch, smell, taste, vision and hearing. It keeps the blood constitution robust and active and hence is beneficial for cerebro-spinal fluid and sympathetic nervous system. Red color is friendly to muscles, haemoglobin and liver too. At mental plane, red color generates over-sensitiveness and is also known for anger, violent disposition and irritability. In certain conditions its use is prohibited as in emotional instability, anger, fever, hypertension, etc.
The orange color is associated with swadhisthan chakra (located in the groin). On physical plane it is beneficial in injuries, functions of spleen, pancreas and lungs, calcium absorption, lactation during pregnancy and pulse beating. It promotes hopefulness, happiness, will power, intelligence, creativity and social sense. It cures asthma, bronchitis, cold, seizures, stone-problems, hypo and hyperthyroidism and lung related ailments.
Yellow color is connected with manipura chakra (solar plexus). It is symbolic of mental activity, intellectual prowess and alertness. It purifies nervous system, brain, liver, intestine, blood and skin. It also regulates bile production. It is considered cathartic and brings joy and buoyancy. The golden yellow color strengthens the body and mind and increases learning capacity. At the same time it also increases anxiety. Since the yellow color is a combination of red and green it has the characteristics of both. It promotes optimism and hope. It is very beneficial in digestive functions as well as in skin disorders, paralysis, constipation, diabetes and depression. But its use a prohibited during burning sensation, diarrhea, fever, state of agitation and increased pulse rate.
Green color is a symbol of peace and adaptability. It is related to anahat chakra (situated in heart/lungs). It keeps the body and mind calm and is beneficial during mental agitation. But its prolonged use brings boredom. Green keeps active the sympathetic nervous system, controls blood pressure and stimulates the pituitary gland. It removes insomnia, tiredness and irritability. It is also helpful in muscle and tissue formation. It is antiseptic, bactericidal and germicidal. Green color promotes friendship, faith and hope. It is soothing and gives emotional comfort. At the same time it also generates jealousy and superstition. As green is the color of chakra centered in the heart, it is helpful in heart ailments, hypertension, ulcer and headache. It also cures fever, acidity, metabolic malfunction, obesity, and liver and spleen problems. Its use is prohibited in conditions of tumor, cancer, etc.
Blue color symbolizes peace, confidence, desire and creativity. It is also the color of Vishuddha chakra (located in the throat), considered to be related to speech and self-expression. The blue color slows down heart rate and hence is considered beneficial in tachycardia. It helps in reducing high excitement and manic depression. Blue is known for high spiritedness, intuition, honesty, truthfulness, concentration and devotion. It is used therapeutically in problems of tumor, infection, anger, hatred, eye diseases, pineal body etc. But it is prohibited in conditions of hypertension, paralysis, muscular stiffness, etc.
Indigo color is associated with Agya chakra or the third eye (located on the forehead between the eyebrows). It symbolizes intuition, extra-sensory perception, etc.
Violet color is a purifier and is related with Sahastrar Chakra (located on the top of the head). It affects the whole skeletal and nervous systems of the body. It is antiseptic and is a purifier at both physical and spiritual levels and synthesizes the energy of both levels. It is famous for regulating the mineral elements of the body. It is a representative color of the qualities of devotion, self-respect and faith.
White color is a mix of all the seven colors. It purifies and refines the energy system of the body, and increases piety and spirituality. It pacifies the mind, heart and thought and orients them towards creativity. The brown color is related with earth. Golden color develops self-consciousness. It gives immunity from diseases in general and provides relief in cardiac problems. According to ayurveda, it symbolizes ojas (energy). It also regulates endocrinal glands. Black color gives a sense of safety and security. It magnifies the power of attraction in the body to a level that others are pulled automatically. Black is also regarded as the color of death. It increases both, the immunity power as well as obstacles, opposition and enmity. It activates the unconscious mind. It also generates fear, doubt and illusion.
The effect of colors is vast, deep and profound provided it is used judiciously. Color therapy has a specific science and technique of its own. One should select the color suitable for himself with the help of a competent color therapist. For this purpose a colored lamp or colored glass cover of the bulb may be used. The color of walls, doors and windows as well as bed covers, cushions, etc. should also be selected accordingly. Even the plants in the garden should be chosen for flowers of appropriate colors. This color scheme helps in meditation too.
Colors have not only decorative value; they are powerful media to overcome many of our day-to-day problems. Besides enriching our life and surrounding with beauty, taste and refinement, a judicious use of colors is helpful in the development of our inner qualities and capabilities as well.
Saint Tukaram was shudra by birth. His acts of worship and composing of devotional songs were frowned upon by the contemporary high caste pundits as not only improper but a crime too. One of them Sri Rameshwar Bhatta once called Tukaram and admonished him – “Being a shudra you should desist from indulging in bhakti, kirtan and writing of abhangas (type of devotional songs) etc.”. Tukaram being very simple hearted accepted the advice of Rameshwar Bhatta and asked, “But what about the abhangas that have already been composed?” The wicked pundit said, “Throw them down in the river”.
The unattached yogi Tukaram did precisely that and immersed his collection of abhangas in Indrayani river. But while he did so his heart bled and he lay before the Vitthal temple for full thirteen days without food or drink. He kept thinking, “My devotion to God is not complete. That is why He has turned away from me”.
The sincere call of a bleeding heart, which is illumined with the light of truth, never goes unanswered. On the thirteenth day Tukaram received instructions in his dream that bundles of his abhanga were lying by the riverside and that he should go and get them. When his devout followers learnt of his dream they marched in a procession singing paeans of praise for Lord Vitthal hailing the mercy of God and brought the bundles of Abhangas back – all intact.
Therapeutic use of colors is a very ancient practice and this science has developed with the time. The earliest experiments of this therapy are considered to have been conducted in India and China. Evidence of such experiments is also found in ancient Egypt and Greece. In the middle of the 19th century researches were made in Europe and America to find out the linkage between colors and healing. In those days color therapy was known as ‘syntonics’. Dr. Harry Riley Spitler of USA is regarded as the pioneer of this science. He found that when different colors were passed one by one before a patient’s eyes they induced certain mental and physical changes in him. Such experiments gradually led to a better perception about the therapeutic value of colors and they began to be used as alternative or complementary medicine.
Although the primary colors are only three; traditionally there have been seven main colors which also form the constituent colors of sunlight – violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Upanishads have related these colors to seven Chakras (subtle energy centers) in our body. A change in these colors has a corresponding effect upon the body-mind system. If the magnitude of this change exceeds a certain quantum, it produces ailments.
The red color is associated with mooladhar chakra (supposed to be located between genitals and anus). It symbolizes vital force, determination and alertness. Its medicinal use is in the conditions of cough and cold, anemia and low blood pressure. It is also employed in management of stress. Red produces courage, revenge and hatred too. This color represents the fire element. Hence it generates heat and energy in the body. It excites the nervous system and thus cures the weaknesses connected with the faculties of touch, smell, taste, vision and hearing. It keeps the blood constitution robust and active and hence is beneficial for cerebro-spinal fluid and sympathetic nervous system. Red color is friendly to muscles, haemoglobin and liver too. At mental plane, red color generates over-sensitiveness and is also known for anger, violent disposition and irritability. In certain conditions its use is prohibited as in emotional instability, anger, fever, hypertension, etc.
The orange color is associated with swadhisthan chakra (located in the groin). On physical plane it is beneficial in injuries, functions of spleen, pancreas and lungs, calcium absorption, lactation during pregnancy and pulse beating. It promotes hopefulness, happiness, will power, intelligence, creativity and social sense. It cures asthma, bronchitis, cold, seizures, stone-problems, hypo and hyperthyroidism and lung related ailments.
Yellow color is connected with manipura chakra (solar plexus). It is symbolic of mental activity, intellectual prowess and alertness. It purifies nervous system, brain, liver, intestine, blood and skin. It also regulates bile production. It is considered cathartic and brings joy and buoyancy. The golden yellow color strengthens the body and mind and increases learning capacity. At the same time it also increases anxiety. Since the yellow color is a combination of red and green it has the characteristics of both. It promotes optimism and hope. It is very beneficial in digestive functions as well as in skin disorders, paralysis, constipation, diabetes and depression. But its use a prohibited during burning sensation, diarrhea, fever, state of agitation and increased pulse rate.
Green color is a symbol of peace and adaptability. It is related to anahat chakra (situated in heart/lungs). It keeps the body and mind calm and is beneficial during mental agitation. But its prolonged use brings boredom. Green keeps active the sympathetic nervous system, controls blood pressure and stimulates the pituitary gland. It removes insomnia, tiredness and irritability. It is also helpful in muscle and tissue formation. It is antiseptic, bactericidal and germicidal. Green color promotes friendship, faith and hope. It is soothing and gives emotional comfort. At the same time it also generates jealousy and superstition. As green is the color of chakra centered in the heart, it is helpful in heart ailments, hypertension, ulcer and headache. It also cures fever, acidity, metabolic malfunction, obesity, and liver and spleen problems. Its use is prohibited in conditions of tumor, cancer, etc.
Blue color symbolizes peace, confidence, desire and creativity. It is also the color of Vishuddha chakra (located in the throat), considered to be related to speech and self-expression. The blue color slows down heart rate and hence is considered beneficial in tachycardia. It helps in reducing high excitement and manic depression. Blue is known for high spiritedness, intuition, honesty, truthfulness, concentration and devotion. It is used therapeutically in problems of tumor, infection, anger, hatred, eye diseases, pineal body etc. But it is prohibited in conditions of hypertension, paralysis, muscular stiffness, etc.
Indigo color is associated with Agya chakra or the third eye (located on the forehead between the eyebrows). It symbolizes intuition, extra-sensory perception, etc.
Violet color is a purifier and is related with Sahastrar Chakra (located on the top of the head). It affects the whole skeletal and nervous systems of the body. It is antiseptic and is a purifier at both physical and spiritual levels and synthesizes the energy of both levels. It is famous for regulating the mineral elements of the body. It is a representative color of the qualities of devotion, self-respect and faith.
White color is a mix of all the seven colors. It purifies and refines the energy system of the body, and increases piety and spirituality. It pacifies the mind, heart and thought and orients them towards creativity. The brown color is related with earth. Golden color develops self-consciousness. It gives immunity from diseases in general and provides relief in cardiac problems. According to ayurveda, it symbolizes ojas (energy). It also regulates endocrinal glands. Black color gives a sense of safety and security. It magnifies the power of attraction in the body to a level that others are pulled automatically. Black is also regarded as the color of death. It increases both, the immunity power as well as obstacles, opposition and enmity. It activates the unconscious mind. It also generates fear, doubt and illusion.
The effect of colors is vast, deep and profound provided it is used judiciously. Color therapy has a specific science and technique of its own. One should select the color suitable for himself with the help of a competent color therapist. For this purpose a colored lamp or colored glass cover of the bulb may be used. The color of walls, doors and windows as well as bed covers, cushions, etc. should also be selected accordingly. Even the plants in the garden should be chosen for flowers of appropriate colors. This color scheme helps in meditation too.
Colors have not only decorative value; they are powerful media to overcome many of our day-to-day problems. Besides enriching our life and surrounding with beauty, taste and refinement, a judicious use of colors is helpful in the development of our inner qualities and capabilities as well.
Saint Tukaram was shudra by birth. His acts of worship and composing of devotional songs were frowned upon by the contemporary high caste pundits as not only improper but a crime too. One of them Sri Rameshwar Bhatta once called Tukaram and admonished him – “Being a shudra you should desist from indulging in bhakti, kirtan and writing of abhangas (type of devotional songs) etc.”. Tukaram being very simple hearted accepted the advice of Rameshwar Bhatta and asked, “But what about the abhangas that have already been composed?” The wicked pundit said, “Throw them down in the river”.
The unattached yogi Tukaram did precisely that and immersed his collection of abhangas in Indrayani river. But while he did so his heart bled and he lay before the Vitthal temple for full thirteen days without food or drink. He kept thinking, “My devotion to God is not complete. That is why He has turned away from me”.
The sincere call of a bleeding heart, which is illumined with the light of truth, never goes unanswered. On the thirteenth day Tukaram received instructions in his dream that bundles of his abhanga were lying by the riverside and that he should go and get them. When his devout followers learnt of his dream they marched in a procession singing paeans of praise for Lord Vitthal hailing the mercy of God and brought the bundles of Abhangas back – all intact.