Magazine - Year 2017 - Version 1
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Spirituality & Socio-Economic Sciences
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Sociology and Economics are two interrelated
sciences. Both have direct impact on all aspects
of human life. Neither of these could be defined
completely in isolation to the political system.
Thus when we talk of socio-economic system,
it should be understood in conjunction with the
political system. Well, we all know that the state
and trends of socio-economic system have a direct
bearing upon the course of worldly development
and the nature and standard of living. But we
hardly play attention to the fact that there is other
side of the story as well. Who forms a society?
Who contributes to the making and sustenance
of a socio-economic system? The most natural
answer to the first query is that it’s the people, the
members of the society, the ‘public’ who make
the society. But the answer to the most pertinent
second question does not quite appear so straight;
certainly not in the modern world.
In principle, it’s the masses, the people, who form the ‘society’, whose collective energy should shape and nurture socio-economic system, and whose ascent and welfare should be at the root of socio-economic developments. However, due to various factors, it has not been possible in the modern system. We often find the majority only at the receiving end. As the documented history of the world shows, the socio-economic developments since the past thousand years or so have been dominated by the political system, industrial development and market dynamics.
Earlier it was the dynasty-based rule of mighty kings/emperors. Like other domains of people’s life, the socio-economic system too was subject to their mercy. If the king had prudent vision, strength of character, and might, if he/she was kind and caring towards the public, the state used to happily progress on all fronts including socioeconomic development; else, most often people had to face oppression, exploitation and suffering in one form or the other. Such an Imperial System was certainly not good and consistent; it has almost vanished in the revolutionary tides of time.
At present most of the socio-economic systems prevalent across the globe are either Communist or Capitalist. Each has its merits and demerits in terms of economy. However, both have not achieved the ‘conceptually claimed’ goals; worst part is that both have hampered the social values of humanity.
Some Bitter Facts of Communism: The exponents of communism might argue that it is only communist model of socio-economic system that would ensure people’s collective participation and development. However the reality check shows fallacies and flaws in this claim. Several years ago, some scholars at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CRNS: Le Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique) at Paris had published an eye-opening historic book based on thorough study and review of communist system. English translation of this book was later on published by Harvard University as “The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, and Repression”. This book has exposed many facts based on real data, has posed many questions, which would make one think and find out a better alternative for viable socio-economic system for people’s collective participation, progress, and welfare.
The authors, some of whom are themselves communists, have thoroughly authenticated the data presented in this book. Among the other facts, the data on ‘mass killing’ under the communist rule/dominance is most disturbing. The numbers of victims of oppression of Communist Administration presented in the book are as follows — In (erstwhile) USSR: about 20 millions, China: about 65 millions; Cambodia: about 2 million; Vietnam: about 1 million; Eastern Europe: about 1 million; Africa: about 1.7 million; Afghanistan: about 1.5 million; Latin America: 150 thousands. The official number of people killed by communist parties and revolutionary activities in some democratic countries is about 10 thousands. If we also include the number of people killed during the revolutions that led to establishment of communist rule in several countries, the total number of killings due to Communist rule across the world since past 70-75 years would be around 100 millions. This number would be much more if one also includes the number of people killed by Naxalites and Maoists.
Who were those killed (or are being killed almost every day)? The counts are not only of the defense or police staff, but mostly common people, intellectuals, students, writers, journalists, artists, farmers, businessmen, traders, scientists, diplomats, laborers, and even the communist volunteers/activities. The list includes those who protested against the wrong doings, who spoke for democratic freedom, human rights, and even the innocent ones, who failed to follow the authoritarian rules due to some personal compulsions/unavoidable circumstances. The punishment/penalty given by communist regime is mostly immediate death (shoot at site or hang) or some kind of slow poisoning/torture, etc.
Do these killings indicate some straying away from communism? Not quite. As the records, especially those of Stalin’s period in the USSR and Mao in China, show, these were very much part of strict disciplinary actions recommended under the communist regimes. The above referred book has systematically analyzed the authentic reports and data on the cause, mode, circumstances, official and/or judicial orders, along with other convincing proofs. These bitter facts have torn the popular conviction that ‘The principles and goals of communism are good; it’s only some flaws and hindrances in their implementation that led to negative results’.
If one regards the count of about 100 million killings due to or for communism as an exaggeration/overestimate and considers only 10% of it as correct, even then the number is sizable and cannot be ignored. Which ideal or principle is so sacred for which the killing of 10 million people is justified? In the views of some analysts, “the eye-opening facts indicate that the red color symbolizes not only the revolutionary emergence of communism, but also the bloodshed reality of communism”.
Some hardcore Marxists considered violence as the nurse of revolution. Their teachings justified violence as natural component of struggles for revolutionary changes. But, then why there should be violence even after their ‘successful revolution’? Why should such large number of killings take place in the communist countries even now? Those killed after establishment of communist governments were neither capitalist nor feudal lords. What was their crime? Only that they used to think differently or were unable to follow ‘conservative Marxist’ rules imposed by communist regimes! Unfortunately, even in the 21st Century — the Century of high-tech development and globalization, the scenario has not quite changed in countries like China, North Korea.
Communism emerged with dreams of people’s society sans any hierarchy, centralized power, or governing authority. But all such thoughts and principles seem to have remained confined only to conceptual papers and intellectual discussions far away from practicality and reality check.
Capitalism is No Better: Well, the negativities or failures of Communism do not affirm or imply the merits of Capitalism or Feudalism. If we dive deep and collect the authentic data, the cases of tyrant oppressions, exploitations and killings under the rules of Lords and Capitalists would turn out to be much larger than what is stated above. Capitalism is about 300 years old. Colonization was a twin brother of Capitalism. The number of people killed (or compelled to die) under these systems so far would be no less than a billion. The state of laborers and their family members in England in post industrialization period was worse than the slaves. Poverty and hunger killed so many of them. Large numbers of soldiers from both sides, as well as the masses were killed in the process of establishment of British/European Colonies across the globe. Colonial rule in America, Canada, and Australia, ruined and almost completely removed the existence of the native population there. The suffering of the masses under the colonial rule in Asia and Africa is more horrifying and pathetic.
The background of the two World Wars too was laid mainly by Capitalism. This discriminatory system cannot escape the blemish of large-scale devastations and loss of lives across the world due to these wars. If someone thoroughly investigates and writes a research treatise on Capitalism, the data might show this socio-economic system as worse than communism.
Capitalism grew with great promises of freedom for all and free enterprises. But under the mask of democracy and equality, this system has directly or indirectly led to economic colonization, and commercialization of almost all facets of human life. The nexus between politicians, media and corporate houses are nurtured by capitalism and further inflate its negative influence. Where is the place and hope for ideals of humanity and viable peace, progress and happy future of all in such a system?
Scientific Spirituality Provides the Answer: Scientific Spirituality provides new direction to our approach to socio-economic system in a natural way. Spiritual scientist, saint-sage Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya has envisaged this new system for progress, peace and happiness of the entire society. In his view[1] — “Affluence, when utilized for philanthropy and constructive objectives to support progressive growth of the entire society instead of arrogant exhibitionism, produces better results. Elites and so-called forward looking modern and learned citizens must come forward to initiate this process. It should be noted and propagated that simple living would also reduce excessive consumption of energy and natural resources and, in addition, help reduce global warming, pollution, etc.
When such reforms are undertaken, many of the economic, social and environmental crises— including corruption, crimes due to social disparity, depletion of natural resources, etc, that this world is facing will be resolved, without any special efforts”.
His idea incorporates the equality principle of communism and the merits of capitalism that encourage recognition and channelization of enterprising talents. One may term the new socioeconomic system as “Spiritual Communism”.
In “Spiritual Communism” the basis of equality would be compassion, inner force of humanity. Sensitivity or compassion and associated sentiments of mutual respect and love generate elixir of unbounded happiness and peace in human life. Spirituality nurtures these soothing qualities of human nature that preserves and strengthens the values and ideals of humanity. Moreover, these qualities also help rejuvenation and augmentation of one’s constructive potentials and talents. All humans have the seed of love and compassion in the depth of their hearts. One only needs to tap and nourish them.
Spiritual Communism will be established by bloodless, peaceful, progressive revolution — namely “Thought Revolution”[2]. Self-vigilance and analysis of thoughts and self-determined constructive orientation of thoughts in the light of the thoughts and works of great personalities and glorious talents is the basis of this revolution. This may begin with reading of inspiring thoughts and/or listening to motivational discourses and programs followed by self-contemplation and discussion with like-minded people on regular basis.
“Spiritual Communism” will ensure equality principle in a most natural way. Ordinary people with an urge for humanity will collectively initiate this movement and spread it among more and more fellow beings. Several of the talents associated with constructive socio-spiritual organizations, and philanthropic corporate personnel have already initiated this movement.
Recent research studies conducted collectively by some forward looking eminent economists and sociologists have also shown importance of human sensitivity in viable socio-economic systems that would ensure bright future of the world in spite of the ongoing phase of utter uncertainty, and instability of market forces coupled with the risks of terrorism, natural resource depletion, and environmental pollution. Among these, the “Great Transition” model of researchers at Stockholm Environment Institute[3] and the PROUTist (Progressive Utilization Theorist) model of researchers at Economics, Southern Methodist University[4-5] appear convincing.
Notably, the ideals and approach of “Spiritual Communism” has promising potential to lay the foundation of a viable socio-economic systems that would lead the world to greater heights of progress with peace and joy for all[6].
References: 1. Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya (2016): Problems of Today, Solutions for Tomorrow. (2nd ed.) Sri Vedmata Gayatri Trust, Shantikunj, Haridwar. 2. Brahmvarchas (2014): Thought Revolution. (2nd edition) Sri Vedmata Gayatri Trust, Shantikunj, Haridwar. 3. Paul Raskin, Tariq Banuri, Gilberto Gallopin, Pablo Guttman, Al Hammond, Robert Kates and Rob Swart (2002): Great Transition: The Promise and Lure of the Times Ahead. Publ. Stockholm Environment Institute, Boston (ISBN: 978-0971241817) 4. Batra R. (1987): The Great Depression of 1990. Dell, NY. (Reprint edition) (ISBN: 978- 0440201687). Top-most in Best Selling list of New York Times. 5. Batra R. (1990): PROUTist Economy and India’s Brilliant Future, JAICO Publishing House, Bombay. 6. “Future of the World…” (Article on page 8 of this issue of ‘Akhand Jyoti – The Light Divine’)
In principle, it’s the masses, the people, who form the ‘society’, whose collective energy should shape and nurture socio-economic system, and whose ascent and welfare should be at the root of socio-economic developments. However, due to various factors, it has not been possible in the modern system. We often find the majority only at the receiving end. As the documented history of the world shows, the socio-economic developments since the past thousand years or so have been dominated by the political system, industrial development and market dynamics.
Earlier it was the dynasty-based rule of mighty kings/emperors. Like other domains of people’s life, the socio-economic system too was subject to their mercy. If the king had prudent vision, strength of character, and might, if he/she was kind and caring towards the public, the state used to happily progress on all fronts including socioeconomic development; else, most often people had to face oppression, exploitation and suffering in one form or the other. Such an Imperial System was certainly not good and consistent; it has almost vanished in the revolutionary tides of time.
At present most of the socio-economic systems prevalent across the globe are either Communist or Capitalist. Each has its merits and demerits in terms of economy. However, both have not achieved the ‘conceptually claimed’ goals; worst part is that both have hampered the social values of humanity.
Some Bitter Facts of Communism: The exponents of communism might argue that it is only communist model of socio-economic system that would ensure people’s collective participation and development. However the reality check shows fallacies and flaws in this claim. Several years ago, some scholars at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CRNS: Le Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique) at Paris had published an eye-opening historic book based on thorough study and review of communist system. English translation of this book was later on published by Harvard University as “The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, and Repression”. This book has exposed many facts based on real data, has posed many questions, which would make one think and find out a better alternative for viable socio-economic system for people’s collective participation, progress, and welfare.
The authors, some of whom are themselves communists, have thoroughly authenticated the data presented in this book. Among the other facts, the data on ‘mass killing’ under the communist rule/dominance is most disturbing. The numbers of victims of oppression of Communist Administration presented in the book are as follows — In (erstwhile) USSR: about 20 millions, China: about 65 millions; Cambodia: about 2 million; Vietnam: about 1 million; Eastern Europe: about 1 million; Africa: about 1.7 million; Afghanistan: about 1.5 million; Latin America: 150 thousands. The official number of people killed by communist parties and revolutionary activities in some democratic countries is about 10 thousands. If we also include the number of people killed during the revolutions that led to establishment of communist rule in several countries, the total number of killings due to Communist rule across the world since past 70-75 years would be around 100 millions. This number would be much more if one also includes the number of people killed by Naxalites and Maoists.
Who were those killed (or are being killed almost every day)? The counts are not only of the defense or police staff, but mostly common people, intellectuals, students, writers, journalists, artists, farmers, businessmen, traders, scientists, diplomats, laborers, and even the communist volunteers/activities. The list includes those who protested against the wrong doings, who spoke for democratic freedom, human rights, and even the innocent ones, who failed to follow the authoritarian rules due to some personal compulsions/unavoidable circumstances. The punishment/penalty given by communist regime is mostly immediate death (shoot at site or hang) or some kind of slow poisoning/torture, etc.
Do these killings indicate some straying away from communism? Not quite. As the records, especially those of Stalin’s period in the USSR and Mao in China, show, these were very much part of strict disciplinary actions recommended under the communist regimes. The above referred book has systematically analyzed the authentic reports and data on the cause, mode, circumstances, official and/or judicial orders, along with other convincing proofs. These bitter facts have torn the popular conviction that ‘The principles and goals of communism are good; it’s only some flaws and hindrances in their implementation that led to negative results’.
If one regards the count of about 100 million killings due to or for communism as an exaggeration/overestimate and considers only 10% of it as correct, even then the number is sizable and cannot be ignored. Which ideal or principle is so sacred for which the killing of 10 million people is justified? In the views of some analysts, “the eye-opening facts indicate that the red color symbolizes not only the revolutionary emergence of communism, but also the bloodshed reality of communism”.
Some hardcore Marxists considered violence as the nurse of revolution. Their teachings justified violence as natural component of struggles for revolutionary changes. But, then why there should be violence even after their ‘successful revolution’? Why should such large number of killings take place in the communist countries even now? Those killed after establishment of communist governments were neither capitalist nor feudal lords. What was their crime? Only that they used to think differently or were unable to follow ‘conservative Marxist’ rules imposed by communist regimes! Unfortunately, even in the 21st Century — the Century of high-tech development and globalization, the scenario has not quite changed in countries like China, North Korea.
Communism emerged with dreams of people’s society sans any hierarchy, centralized power, or governing authority. But all such thoughts and principles seem to have remained confined only to conceptual papers and intellectual discussions far away from practicality and reality check.
Capitalism is No Better: Well, the negativities or failures of Communism do not affirm or imply the merits of Capitalism or Feudalism. If we dive deep and collect the authentic data, the cases of tyrant oppressions, exploitations and killings under the rules of Lords and Capitalists would turn out to be much larger than what is stated above. Capitalism is about 300 years old. Colonization was a twin brother of Capitalism. The number of people killed (or compelled to die) under these systems so far would be no less than a billion. The state of laborers and their family members in England in post industrialization period was worse than the slaves. Poverty and hunger killed so many of them. Large numbers of soldiers from both sides, as well as the masses were killed in the process of establishment of British/European Colonies across the globe. Colonial rule in America, Canada, and Australia, ruined and almost completely removed the existence of the native population there. The suffering of the masses under the colonial rule in Asia and Africa is more horrifying and pathetic.
The background of the two World Wars too was laid mainly by Capitalism. This discriminatory system cannot escape the blemish of large-scale devastations and loss of lives across the world due to these wars. If someone thoroughly investigates and writes a research treatise on Capitalism, the data might show this socio-economic system as worse than communism.
Capitalism grew with great promises of freedom for all and free enterprises. But under the mask of democracy and equality, this system has directly or indirectly led to economic colonization, and commercialization of almost all facets of human life. The nexus between politicians, media and corporate houses are nurtured by capitalism and further inflate its negative influence. Where is the place and hope for ideals of humanity and viable peace, progress and happy future of all in such a system?
Scientific Spirituality Provides the Answer: Scientific Spirituality provides new direction to our approach to socio-economic system in a natural way. Spiritual scientist, saint-sage Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya has envisaged this new system for progress, peace and happiness of the entire society. In his view[1] — “Affluence, when utilized for philanthropy and constructive objectives to support progressive growth of the entire society instead of arrogant exhibitionism, produces better results. Elites and so-called forward looking modern and learned citizens must come forward to initiate this process. It should be noted and propagated that simple living would also reduce excessive consumption of energy and natural resources and, in addition, help reduce global warming, pollution, etc.
When such reforms are undertaken, many of the economic, social and environmental crises— including corruption, crimes due to social disparity, depletion of natural resources, etc, that this world is facing will be resolved, without any special efforts”.
His idea incorporates the equality principle of communism and the merits of capitalism that encourage recognition and channelization of enterprising talents. One may term the new socioeconomic system as “Spiritual Communism”.
In “Spiritual Communism” the basis of equality would be compassion, inner force of humanity. Sensitivity or compassion and associated sentiments of mutual respect and love generate elixir of unbounded happiness and peace in human life. Spirituality nurtures these soothing qualities of human nature that preserves and strengthens the values and ideals of humanity. Moreover, these qualities also help rejuvenation and augmentation of one’s constructive potentials and talents. All humans have the seed of love and compassion in the depth of their hearts. One only needs to tap and nourish them.
Spiritual Communism will be established by bloodless, peaceful, progressive revolution — namely “Thought Revolution”[2]. Self-vigilance and analysis of thoughts and self-determined constructive orientation of thoughts in the light of the thoughts and works of great personalities and glorious talents is the basis of this revolution. This may begin with reading of inspiring thoughts and/or listening to motivational discourses and programs followed by self-contemplation and discussion with like-minded people on regular basis.
“Spiritual Communism” will ensure equality principle in a most natural way. Ordinary people with an urge for humanity will collectively initiate this movement and spread it among more and more fellow beings. Several of the talents associated with constructive socio-spiritual organizations, and philanthropic corporate personnel have already initiated this movement.
Recent research studies conducted collectively by some forward looking eminent economists and sociologists have also shown importance of human sensitivity in viable socio-economic systems that would ensure bright future of the world in spite of the ongoing phase of utter uncertainty, and instability of market forces coupled with the risks of terrorism, natural resource depletion, and environmental pollution. Among these, the “Great Transition” model of researchers at Stockholm Environment Institute[3] and the PROUTist (Progressive Utilization Theorist) model of researchers at Economics, Southern Methodist University[4-5] appear convincing.
Notably, the ideals and approach of “Spiritual Communism” has promising potential to lay the foundation of a viable socio-economic systems that would lead the world to greater heights of progress with peace and joy for all[6].
References: 1. Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya (2016): Problems of Today, Solutions for Tomorrow. (2nd ed.) Sri Vedmata Gayatri Trust, Shantikunj, Haridwar. 2. Brahmvarchas (2014): Thought Revolution. (2nd edition) Sri Vedmata Gayatri Trust, Shantikunj, Haridwar. 3. Paul Raskin, Tariq Banuri, Gilberto Gallopin, Pablo Guttman, Al Hammond, Robert Kates and Rob Swart (2002): Great Transition: The Promise and Lure of the Times Ahead. Publ. Stockholm Environment Institute, Boston (ISBN: 978-0971241817) 4. Batra R. (1987): The Great Depression of 1990. Dell, NY. (Reprint edition) (ISBN: 978- 0440201687). Top-most in Best Selling list of New York Times. 5. Batra R. (1990): PROUTist Economy and India’s Brilliant Future, JAICO Publishing House, Bombay. 6. “Future of the World…” (Article on page 8 of this issue of ‘Akhand Jyoti – The Light Divine’)