The principle of attaining super-natural divine powers (siddhis) by spiritual training (sadhna) is well-known. The question is who should be worshipped?
The emphatic answer is, we should worship for the God within us (Atma-Dev). The real criterion of cent percent perfection of a person can be judged only on the basis of genuineness of his thoughts, character and behaviour. Fruits, flowers do not fall on the tree from the sky. Trees grow and bear fruits and flowers when their roots suck juice from the earth. Roots are within us which influence the entire personality. It ultimately leads to magnificence and attainment of super-natural powers on the basis of which dual advantage of spiritual greatness and material advancement can be attained. This is the coordinated from of upasana (worship) sadhana (spiritual training) and aradhana (adoration). This spiritual training essentially leads to success.
God helps those who help themselves. Spiritual training of life is nothing but practising self-refinement and self-purification. This is the greatest and ultimate object of human pursuit. Those who have understood this ultimate truth have realised the secret behind spiritual knowledge.
A three-pronged approach has to be adopted to proceed onto the path of self-realization. It consists of
(i) Upasana,
(ii) Sadhana
(iii) Aradhana.
Upasana - Worship
The literal meaning of Upasana is – 'sitting near'. But near whom? Near God. By sitting near God, divine virtues are imbibed, feelings and emotions are refined and developed.
But God is formless. For the beginners, some idol or figure is chosen to meditate upon; and an intimacy in the heart is established with that idol or figure considering it to be an aggregate of noble virtues. By contemplating those virtues are also established within the self. This is true devotion – becoming one with God (imbibing His noble qualities).
Sadhana - Disciplining the self
Sadhana (spiritual training) is performed of one's own life. Jiwan sadhana refines personality of a man by eradication of evil tendencies and growth of righteousness..
It can also be called – disciplining the self. Upasana inspires virtuous thoughts and they have to be put into practice by Sadhana. Herein one has to control one's intake of food and way of life, performing faithfully one's duties, eradication of evil tendencies, augmentation of virtuous traits, etc. Thus controlled, disciplined, and well-organized way of life is called Jivan Sadhana.
Aradhana - Social Service
The third step is Aradhana, which means 'social service'. Considering this world to be the physical form of God (as He is omnipresent), serving the creatures living in this world selflessly is considered Aradhana. A human being, being a social creature, owes to the society for his / her growth and hence in order to repay it he / she must serve it in some way or the other.
Jivan Sadhana, if done properly, is like a cash transaction. There are two immediate benefits:
(i) the person gets rid of the accumulated harmful animal traits; and
(ii) he / she finds the right path for progress (material as well as spiritual).