Experimental Group Data :- Data of about 3500 trainees of the one month sadhana course programmes were available without any ambiguous or outlier entry in the database of the observations recorded during 1992-2002.
Statistical Design :-
Observations on 22 clinical, physiological, pathological and psychological features were collected before and after the sadhana course (anushthan) in the laboratories of the Brahmsvarchas Shodh Sansthan. As per the optimal statistical design found in terms of features of interest in the investigation and the statistically significant factors that cause between group heterogeneity, these were subdivided into 10 different data sets with respect to Gender and Age Group. The fitting of frequency plots for different features showed the data to be Normally distributed. Each data set was further divided into homogeneous subgroups with respect to the educational background, marital status and occupation of the subjects.
Random samples were drawn from each subgroup after elimination of missing observations and statistical outliers. The latter category was identified by minimum variance criteria and non-parametric statistical tests. Random independent samples were then separated out for each feature. On an average, samples of sizes 12 to 45 were available (from each subgroup) for each feature except for Tidal Volume and Vital Capacity. On an average, maximum sample size of about 20 was selected for all features. These groups were labeled as 1 to 6 respectively.
Control Group Data:
Nearly 1500 men and women constituted the Control Group. Statistical Design approach, similar to that for the Experimental Group was used for sub-grouping these data.
Statistical Tests:
Paired sample t – test and ANOVA were found to be most suitable for the data under study, as the data were found to be distributed as Normal by suitable tests. These tests were applied to test the difference between the Pre and Post sadhana readings of different features. Although the subjects were not having any specific disease or major ailment, categorical analysis type large sample proportionality and mean tests were applied to relevant features like Blood Pressure to separate the diseased and the healthy subjects.
Conclusive Results
The findings confirm, with high confidence, a significant improvement in the bodily and mental functions after Gayatri Sadhana.
All results were obtained with high (>90%) statistical confidence. In all the bar-diagrams of the results underneath, the labels (e.g. 1 to 6) on the X-axis indicate different subgroups of subjects. The Y-axis shows the change (Final measurement – Initial measurement) in the corresponding parameter/feature. Initial measurements were taken at the beginning of the study for each subject. Final measurements were taken after 15 days. The Experimental Group subject had practiced Gayatri Sadhana at Shantikunj, Haridwar during this period. The Control Group subjects did not do any sadhana. The only stayed in the same ambience at Shantikuj having otherwise similar routine and same diet etc.
Physical Parameters
No significant changes were found in the physical parameters – weight, respiration rate and pulse rate in general. This indicates the consistency of the general health of the subjects. About 30% of the subgroups in the age groups above 25 years showed a decrease of the order of 0.6 to...See More
Haemetological Parameters
Pulmonary Lung Functions
Electrophysiological/ Neurological Parameters
Psychometric Features