Magazine - Year 2005 - Version 1
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Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya (An Institution of Higher Learning with a Difference)
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Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya
(An Institution of Higher Learning with a Difference)
There is need for an educational institution, which could mould its students into noble and enlightened human beings – selfless, warm-hearted, compassionate and kind.
Pandit Sriram Sharma Acharya
(Akhand Jyoti, March 1964)
The world has witnessed many upheavals in its cultural, political and economic spheres during the past few decades. India is no exception to it. Although national struggle for Swaraj freed the country from foreign rule in 1947, political independence has not been able to establish “Ram Rajya” – Su-raj – rule of equity, fraternity and love.
With a view to actualise these noble ideals, a silent cultural, moral, spiritual, social and economic movement of far-reaching significance was launched by Yug Rishi Pt. Sriram Sharma ‘Acharya’, a well known freedom fighter, equally acclaimed by the elites as well as the masses as Vedmurti, Taponistha, Yug Drashta, Rashtra Sant etc. He was also honoured by the central government for his meritorious services to the nation by releasing a one-rupee postal stamp in his memory in 1991, after his voluntary Samadhi in June 1990, on holy Gayatri Jayanti.
Yug Rishi’s silent revolutionary movement is now well established as Yug Nirman Yojana, Vichar Kranti Abhiyan or Pragya Abhiyan. It aims at activating divine qualities in mankind and creating a heavenly atmosphere on earth, which could ultimately lead to the emergence of a society imbued with high ideals, indomitable character, lofty thoughts and noble deeds.
Epochal Visualisation of Yug Rishi
Almost five decades back, Yug Rishi, in a higher state of trance, visualised a Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya that may infuse new life in the education system and nurture selected youth as heavenly saplings for the universally prophesied Divine Era. After awakening from the trance, he exclaimed: “Vibrantly noble life was always nurtured in Vishwavidyalayas. New eras have always been visualised and concretised in Vishwavidyalayas. Whenever mankind was transformed or divine virtues were induced in human beings, it was done in the Vishwavidyalayas. But these Vishwavidyalayas were not like the present day universities, where we mass-produce specialised workers for keeping the complicated and stressful modern way of life, which is blindly hurtling towards the abyss of ‘no where’. In ancient seats of learning true knowledge was imparted to refine the emotions and thoughts of adolescents and the youth. They were equipped with virtuous qualities. Healthy stout saplings of mankind were thus raised in these Vishwavidyalayas, which later used to grow into renowned personalities, sagacious geniuses, outstanding seers and thinkers, and eminent citizens of global repute. Nalanda and Takshshila were internationally renowned seats of learning of this kind. The establishment of such a seat of integral education relevant to present day needs is my solemn resolve so that the divine culture founded by the angelic vision and spiritual acumen of the Vedic seers, sages and Rishis could be revived and duly attuned to the present day needs.”
Dream becomes a Reality
Quite conscious of the pressing need to gear educational reform with the present day requirements and reverse the evil influence of educational policy enunciated by Macauley, Shantikunj, under the farseeing, bold, vibrant and dynamic leadership of Yuva Manishi Dr. Pranav Pandya, Coordinator of the Global Gayatri Pariwar activities and Revered Shail Didi, Managing Trustee of Shri Vedmata Gayatri Trust, got the Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya incorporated as a deemed University in 2002 under an act of Uttaranchal Legislative Assembly, with Dr Pandya as the Chancellor.
Aims and Objects
• Study and dissemination of the tenets of Dev Sanskriti (culture inspired by the Vedic
vision of Divinised Humanity)
• Education and research in disciplines rooted in Dev Sanskriti such as- Spirituality,
Philosophy, Culture etc.
• Education and research in the occult and applied scientific pursuits of Dev Sanskriti,
such as -Jyotish, Ayurveda, Science of Mantras, Yogic Science, Psychology etc. and
their evaluation in the context of modern science.
• Teaching and research in fields related to self-employment; disaster management,
village management, etc. with a view to ushering in of a new social order based upon
the vision of Gurudev.
Out of over 1 million sq. ft land area of the Vishwavidyalaya campus, about 30 % shall be covered by roads, buildings, lawns etc. “Takshashila Bhawan”, meant for imparting education, has 30 classrooms / laboratories, an assembly hall, a committee room, library, store and faculty rooms. Residences for staff, students etc have already been completed. These are sufficient for the present requirements. Proposed hostel has provision for international students as well; and will accommodate about 750 students.
Amongst other buildings, more important ones are those for a Global Research Centre, administrative block, auditorium, information centre, ‘Swawlamban Bhawan’, library, meditation hall, Centre for ‘Art of Living’, Psychotherapy, Yoga and Yogatherapy, etc.
The university library has both ancient and modern texts on the subjects taught to meet the present needs of students and staff. It is located in an especially constructed building named as "Aryabhatt Bhawan," which has provision for a reading room, reference room, video conferencing, micro-filming, etc. Acquisition of books is being made on a continuing basis to enrich the library. The grand library of Brahmvarchas Shodh Sansthan is also open to students and staff of the Vishwavidyalaya for consultation.
The Vishwavidyalaya will have separate laboratories for all the four faculties in a huge complex. At present two laboratories, fully equipped with modern instruments and appliances concerning Psychology and Yoga, are functioning in “Takshasila Bhawan”. The laboratories of Brahmavarchas Shodh Sansthan situated very close to the university and fully equipped with modern electronic instruments, are also available for experiments on the effects of Jap, Dhyan, Dharna, Tapa, food, Agnihotra, etc. on the health of human body and mind. Facilities for physical, chemical and physiological analysis of medicinal plants and their products, and that for pathological tests of blood, urine, stool, etc. are also available.
Teaching & Research
The University offers Master’s degrees in Clinical Psychology and Yogic Sciences; and Indian Culture and Tourism. Selected and specialized post-graduate diploma programmes are offered in Human Consciousness and Yogic Sciences; and Bio-informatics and Bio-medical Systems. Besides, certificate courses on Theology, Holistic Management and Yogic Sciences are also offered. It is worth mentioning here that Art of Living is an integral part of all the above stated courses and it remains the centre of attraction for the students.
Salient Features and Future plans
• Vishwavidyalaya is situated on the banks of Holy Ganga and in the lap of the sacred
Himalayan region.
•It is 7 km from Hardwar railway station on the Dehradun-Rishikesh road on Delhi-
Niti Pass Highway and has a sprawling campus spread over an area of 82 Acres.
• Established under an act of Uttaranchal Government on 11th April 2002.
•Duly recognized by the University Grant Commission (U.G.C) as a deemed university.
•First academic session - commenced through Gyan Deeksha ceremony on 23rd July
• Is fully residential for all students and staff.
•Self- financed through modest contributions of lakhs of parijans and admirers
of Gayatri Mission movement and not by any grants from the state or the central
Government or the UGC.
•No salary structure for staff; only a subsistence allowance is provided to enable them
to lead simple lives of dignity.
•The mediums of instruction are Hindi as well as English.
•Admission to all courses is made on the basis of merit obtained in the entrance test
followed by interview.
•Its Faculty of Education will focus on designing a modular degree programme and
value-based education for all.
•Courses of ancient and modern sciences, including Indology, are being designed and
will be started in due course of time.
•The Faculty of Health (teaching and research) will encompass, apart from Ayurveda,
systems of health and healing such as: Psychotherapy, Yoga-therapy and Yajna-
therapy, etc.
• Extensive research will be carried out on indigenous medicinal plants, herbs, trees
and their products to establish the utility of Aurveda on scientific basis.
• Intensive in-depth research will be undertaken on immunity development and
prevention of diseases instead of adoption of curative measures after falling sick.
•In the Faculty of Scientific Spirituality, teaching, research and extension activities
will be directed towards ancient spiritual practices, after testing properly their efficacy.
•Practical training shall be imparted in scientific principles underlying power of
Mantras, yogic exercises, penances, focused will power etc for spiritual growth..
• Special programs shall be started on Hathyoga, Rajyoga, Layayoga and Mantrayoga
for restoration and maintenance of body-mind-soul harmony and health.
•In the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Self employment, courses on management for
rural areas, hospitals, temples, schools, colleges and other institutions of public
service utilities shall be started to enhance opportunities of socially useful self-
•The teachers and professors of various universities in India and abroad offer, ex-
gratia, their expertise and guidance to the students.
•The students donate their time, after completion of studies, towards development of the society by associating themselves with the social and cultural upliftment activities of the Mission. Results obtained so far have been quite encouraging. The time compulsorily donated is generally from 6 months to 1 year in the field by all passing-out alumni. A few have devoted their lives for the cause.
We will heartily welcome valuable suggestions from eminent educationists, religious and spiritual leaders, social activists and intelligentsia of all hues as to how best we can serve the society through our humble efforts towards providing meaningful education to the youth on the firm foundation of all that is best and perennially fresh and inspiring in our cultural and spiritual heritage - assimilating at the same time the best and highest of human heritage at large.
Resource Mobilisation
All recurring and non-recurring expenditure of Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya from building up of infrastructural facilities to the running of the educational process are being entirely met by Sri Vedmata Gayatri Trust, Shantikunj, Hardwar, a charitable Trust. For its charitable activities, it has been granted 100% exemption of IT from Government of India on this 200 – crore project. Such a gigantic plan of social transformation is being executed without any governmental financial assistance in the full faith that members, well wishers and friends of Gayatri Pariwar from all strata of society shall generously and gladly contribute towards the fulfilment of the Yugrishi’s vision of ideal education.
Detailed information about the Vishwavidyalaya, its distinctive features, rules and regulations for admission, courses offered, admission procedure, pattern of admission test, academic activities, syllabi, academic calendar, fee etc., may be had by visiting websites: www.dsvv.org; www.awgp.org
(An Institution of Higher Learning with a Difference)
There is need for an educational institution, which could mould its students into noble and enlightened human beings – selfless, warm-hearted, compassionate and kind.
Pandit Sriram Sharma Acharya
(Akhand Jyoti, March 1964)
The world has witnessed many upheavals in its cultural, political and economic spheres during the past few decades. India is no exception to it. Although national struggle for Swaraj freed the country from foreign rule in 1947, political independence has not been able to establish “Ram Rajya” – Su-raj – rule of equity, fraternity and love.
With a view to actualise these noble ideals, a silent cultural, moral, spiritual, social and economic movement of far-reaching significance was launched by Yug Rishi Pt. Sriram Sharma ‘Acharya’, a well known freedom fighter, equally acclaimed by the elites as well as the masses as Vedmurti, Taponistha, Yug Drashta, Rashtra Sant etc. He was also honoured by the central government for his meritorious services to the nation by releasing a one-rupee postal stamp in his memory in 1991, after his voluntary Samadhi in June 1990, on holy Gayatri Jayanti.
Yug Rishi’s silent revolutionary movement is now well established as Yug Nirman Yojana, Vichar Kranti Abhiyan or Pragya Abhiyan. It aims at activating divine qualities in mankind and creating a heavenly atmosphere on earth, which could ultimately lead to the emergence of a society imbued with high ideals, indomitable character, lofty thoughts and noble deeds.
Epochal Visualisation of Yug Rishi
Almost five decades back, Yug Rishi, in a higher state of trance, visualised a Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya that may infuse new life in the education system and nurture selected youth as heavenly saplings for the universally prophesied Divine Era. After awakening from the trance, he exclaimed: “Vibrantly noble life was always nurtured in Vishwavidyalayas. New eras have always been visualised and concretised in Vishwavidyalayas. Whenever mankind was transformed or divine virtues were induced in human beings, it was done in the Vishwavidyalayas. But these Vishwavidyalayas were not like the present day universities, where we mass-produce specialised workers for keeping the complicated and stressful modern way of life, which is blindly hurtling towards the abyss of ‘no where’. In ancient seats of learning true knowledge was imparted to refine the emotions and thoughts of adolescents and the youth. They were equipped with virtuous qualities. Healthy stout saplings of mankind were thus raised in these Vishwavidyalayas, which later used to grow into renowned personalities, sagacious geniuses, outstanding seers and thinkers, and eminent citizens of global repute. Nalanda and Takshshila were internationally renowned seats of learning of this kind. The establishment of such a seat of integral education relevant to present day needs is my solemn resolve so that the divine culture founded by the angelic vision and spiritual acumen of the Vedic seers, sages and Rishis could be revived and duly attuned to the present day needs.”
Dream becomes a Reality
Quite conscious of the pressing need to gear educational reform with the present day requirements and reverse the evil influence of educational policy enunciated by Macauley, Shantikunj, under the farseeing, bold, vibrant and dynamic leadership of Yuva Manishi Dr. Pranav Pandya, Coordinator of the Global Gayatri Pariwar activities and Revered Shail Didi, Managing Trustee of Shri Vedmata Gayatri Trust, got the Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya incorporated as a deemed University in 2002 under an act of Uttaranchal Legislative Assembly, with Dr Pandya as the Chancellor.
Aims and Objects
• Study and dissemination of the tenets of Dev Sanskriti (culture inspired by the Vedic
vision of Divinised Humanity)
• Education and research in disciplines rooted in Dev Sanskriti such as- Spirituality,
Philosophy, Culture etc.
• Education and research in the occult and applied scientific pursuits of Dev Sanskriti,
such as -Jyotish, Ayurveda, Science of Mantras, Yogic Science, Psychology etc. and
their evaluation in the context of modern science.
• Teaching and research in fields related to self-employment; disaster management,
village management, etc. with a view to ushering in of a new social order based upon
the vision of Gurudev.
Out of over 1 million sq. ft land area of the Vishwavidyalaya campus, about 30 % shall be covered by roads, buildings, lawns etc. “Takshashila Bhawan”, meant for imparting education, has 30 classrooms / laboratories, an assembly hall, a committee room, library, store and faculty rooms. Residences for staff, students etc have already been completed. These are sufficient for the present requirements. Proposed hostel has provision for international students as well; and will accommodate about 750 students.
Amongst other buildings, more important ones are those for a Global Research Centre, administrative block, auditorium, information centre, ‘Swawlamban Bhawan’, library, meditation hall, Centre for ‘Art of Living’, Psychotherapy, Yoga and Yogatherapy, etc.
The university library has both ancient and modern texts on the subjects taught to meet the present needs of students and staff. It is located in an especially constructed building named as "Aryabhatt Bhawan," which has provision for a reading room, reference room, video conferencing, micro-filming, etc. Acquisition of books is being made on a continuing basis to enrich the library. The grand library of Brahmvarchas Shodh Sansthan is also open to students and staff of the Vishwavidyalaya for consultation.
The Vishwavidyalaya will have separate laboratories for all the four faculties in a huge complex. At present two laboratories, fully equipped with modern instruments and appliances concerning Psychology and Yoga, are functioning in “Takshasila Bhawan”. The laboratories of Brahmavarchas Shodh Sansthan situated very close to the university and fully equipped with modern electronic instruments, are also available for experiments on the effects of Jap, Dhyan, Dharna, Tapa, food, Agnihotra, etc. on the health of human body and mind. Facilities for physical, chemical and physiological analysis of medicinal plants and their products, and that for pathological tests of blood, urine, stool, etc. are also available.
Teaching & Research
The University offers Master’s degrees in Clinical Psychology and Yogic Sciences; and Indian Culture and Tourism. Selected and specialized post-graduate diploma programmes are offered in Human Consciousness and Yogic Sciences; and Bio-informatics and Bio-medical Systems. Besides, certificate courses on Theology, Holistic Management and Yogic Sciences are also offered. It is worth mentioning here that Art of Living is an integral part of all the above stated courses and it remains the centre of attraction for the students.
Salient Features and Future plans
• Vishwavidyalaya is situated on the banks of Holy Ganga and in the lap of the sacred
Himalayan region.
•It is 7 km from Hardwar railway station on the Dehradun-Rishikesh road on Delhi-
Niti Pass Highway and has a sprawling campus spread over an area of 82 Acres.
• Established under an act of Uttaranchal Government on 11th April 2002.
•Duly recognized by the University Grant Commission (U.G.C) as a deemed university.
•First academic session - commenced through Gyan Deeksha ceremony on 23rd July
• Is fully residential for all students and staff.
•Self- financed through modest contributions of lakhs of parijans and admirers
of Gayatri Mission movement and not by any grants from the state or the central
Government or the UGC.
•No salary structure for staff; only a subsistence allowance is provided to enable them
to lead simple lives of dignity.
•The mediums of instruction are Hindi as well as English.
•Admission to all courses is made on the basis of merit obtained in the entrance test
followed by interview.
•Its Faculty of Education will focus on designing a modular degree programme and
value-based education for all.
•Courses of ancient and modern sciences, including Indology, are being designed and
will be started in due course of time.
•The Faculty of Health (teaching and research) will encompass, apart from Ayurveda,
systems of health and healing such as: Psychotherapy, Yoga-therapy and Yajna-
therapy, etc.
• Extensive research will be carried out on indigenous medicinal plants, herbs, trees
and their products to establish the utility of Aurveda on scientific basis.
• Intensive in-depth research will be undertaken on immunity development and
prevention of diseases instead of adoption of curative measures after falling sick.
•In the Faculty of Scientific Spirituality, teaching, research and extension activities
will be directed towards ancient spiritual practices, after testing properly their efficacy.
•Practical training shall be imparted in scientific principles underlying power of
Mantras, yogic exercises, penances, focused will power etc for spiritual growth..
• Special programs shall be started on Hathyoga, Rajyoga, Layayoga and Mantrayoga
for restoration and maintenance of body-mind-soul harmony and health.
•In the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Self employment, courses on management for
rural areas, hospitals, temples, schools, colleges and other institutions of public
service utilities shall be started to enhance opportunities of socially useful self-
•The teachers and professors of various universities in India and abroad offer, ex-
gratia, their expertise and guidance to the students.
•The students donate their time, after completion of studies, towards development of the society by associating themselves with the social and cultural upliftment activities of the Mission. Results obtained so far have been quite encouraging. The time compulsorily donated is generally from 6 months to 1 year in the field by all passing-out alumni. A few have devoted their lives for the cause.
We will heartily welcome valuable suggestions from eminent educationists, religious and spiritual leaders, social activists and intelligentsia of all hues as to how best we can serve the society through our humble efforts towards providing meaningful education to the youth on the firm foundation of all that is best and perennially fresh and inspiring in our cultural and spiritual heritage - assimilating at the same time the best and highest of human heritage at large.
Resource Mobilisation
All recurring and non-recurring expenditure of Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya from building up of infrastructural facilities to the running of the educational process are being entirely met by Sri Vedmata Gayatri Trust, Shantikunj, Hardwar, a charitable Trust. For its charitable activities, it has been granted 100% exemption of IT from Government of India on this 200 – crore project. Such a gigantic plan of social transformation is being executed without any governmental financial assistance in the full faith that members, well wishers and friends of Gayatri Pariwar from all strata of society shall generously and gladly contribute towards the fulfilment of the Yugrishi’s vision of ideal education.
Detailed information about the Vishwavidyalaya, its distinctive features, rules and regulations for admission, courses offered, admission procedure, pattern of admission test, academic activities, syllabi, academic calendar, fee etc., may be had by visiting websites: www.dsvv.org; www.awgp.org