Magazine - Year 2005 - Version 1
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The rainy season (July-August) brings with it the gifts of life-giving watersa luxuriantly vibrant upsurge of plant life on Mother Earth. It is a happy coincidence that during this season of lush green nature we celebrate three sacred Parvas in quick succession; Guru Purñima, Ïravañi and JanamaÌÚmi . Of these, Guru Purñima is of very special significance for us, the Parijans of Gayatri Pariwar. In fact Guru and Gayatri have a symbiotic relationship, so much so that Adi Shankaracharya has declared –Namo Astu Gurvai Tasmai Gayatri Rupiñai Sada - (Guru is Gayatri personified).
This year Guru Purñima falls on July 21 when all of us ,Gayatri Pariwar Parijans, will reverently remember our Guru Satta and will rededicate ourselves to work still more resolutely and single-pointedly towards the concretization of Gurudev’s vision of uplifted and enlightened humanity - living in peace , harmony and love.
We are starting a series of 14 –day youth leadership training camps at the Dev Sanskriti Vishwa Vidyalaya (DSVV) campus for Gayatri Pariwar youths between the age group 15 - 26. The first camp in this series will be for a batch of 50 youths from USA, Canada and Britain, to be held from July 14 to 27, 2005. These camps will continue to be held thereafter for the youths from metro cities in India, and from Australia, Mauritius, South Africa and other parts of the world.
We are also planning to start a series of yoga camps from July this year at the DSVV Campus. Our Secondary School Affiliated to the CBSE is also being shifted from the Shantikunj Ashram to the DSVV premises.
We are organizing two grand Aïvamedha Yajóas during the second half of 2005.the first one will be a 252-KuñÃiya Yajóa to be performed at Sydney (Australia) on October 1,2 and 3, 2005; and the second one will be a 501- KuñÃiya Yajóa to be held at Madurai (Tamil Nadu) on December 29 –31, 2005 and January 1, 2006.
The present July –August, 2005 issue of Akhand Jyoti is being published as a special issue providing indepth, specific and authoritative information about the intrinsic significance of Aïvamedha Yajóa being organized by the Gayatri mission since 1992.
We are expecting around 15,000 devotees from Australia and Fiji to participate at the SydneyYajóa; and around 5 lakh in the Yajóa at Madurai.
The greatest offering we, the children of our Gurudev, can make to him on Guru Purñima is to sincerely endeavour to manifest in our own lives some of the divine attributes that he so gloriously manifested in his own life. In this connection I share with Parijans the universally acclaimed prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi, as our Gurudev was the personification of all the virtues prayed for by the Great Saint:
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peaceWhere there is hatred, let me sow love.Where there is injury, pardonWhere there is doubt, faith Where there is despair, hopeWhere there is darkness, lightAnd where there is sadness, joyO, divine master grant that I may not seek so much to be consoled as to consoleTo be understood as to understand, To be loved as to love;For it is in giving that we receive,It is in pardoning that we are pardoned ,As it is in dying to the self that we are born to eternal life.
With prayer filled Guru Purñima greetings
Dr. Pranav Pandya
This year Guru Purñima falls on July 21 when all of us ,Gayatri Pariwar Parijans, will reverently remember our Guru Satta and will rededicate ourselves to work still more resolutely and single-pointedly towards the concretization of Gurudev’s vision of uplifted and enlightened humanity - living in peace , harmony and love.
We are starting a series of 14 –day youth leadership training camps at the Dev Sanskriti Vishwa Vidyalaya (DSVV) campus for Gayatri Pariwar youths between the age group 15 - 26. The first camp in this series will be for a batch of 50 youths from USA, Canada and Britain, to be held from July 14 to 27, 2005. These camps will continue to be held thereafter for the youths from metro cities in India, and from Australia, Mauritius, South Africa and other parts of the world.
We are also planning to start a series of yoga camps from July this year at the DSVV Campus. Our Secondary School Affiliated to the CBSE is also being shifted from the Shantikunj Ashram to the DSVV premises.
We are organizing two grand Aïvamedha Yajóas during the second half of 2005.the first one will be a 252-KuñÃiya Yajóa to be performed at Sydney (Australia) on October 1,2 and 3, 2005; and the second one will be a 501- KuñÃiya Yajóa to be held at Madurai (Tamil Nadu) on December 29 –31, 2005 and January 1, 2006.
The present July –August, 2005 issue of Akhand Jyoti is being published as a special issue providing indepth, specific and authoritative information about the intrinsic significance of Aïvamedha Yajóa being organized by the Gayatri mission since 1992.
We are expecting around 15,000 devotees from Australia and Fiji to participate at the SydneyYajóa; and around 5 lakh in the Yajóa at Madurai.
The greatest offering we, the children of our Gurudev, can make to him on Guru Purñima is to sincerely endeavour to manifest in our own lives some of the divine attributes that he so gloriously manifested in his own life. In this connection I share with Parijans the universally acclaimed prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi, as our Gurudev was the personification of all the virtues prayed for by the Great Saint:
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peaceWhere there is hatred, let me sow love.Where there is injury, pardonWhere there is doubt, faith Where there is despair, hopeWhere there is darkness, lightAnd where there is sadness, joyO, divine master grant that I may not seek so much to be consoled as to consoleTo be understood as to understand, To be loved as to love;For it is in giving that we receive,It is in pardoning that we are pardoned ,As it is in dying to the self that we are born to eternal life.
With prayer filled Guru Purñima greetings
Dr. Pranav Pandya