Magazine - Year 2005 - Version 1
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Supreme spiritual endeavor of this era
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Gurudev Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya had identified Âstha Sankat – the crisis of faith (in the divine origin and values of humanity), as the root cause of all evils, ailments and adversities of our times and referred it as the King of Demons, who cannot be vanquished by the gross (worldly) efforts alone. The evil influence of this demon has permeated every aspect of life – from environment to the humanity’s thoughts, emotions and inner sentiments.
The origin of the “Âstha Sankata” being deeply rooted in the human mental and emotional depths can be destroyed only by spiritual refinement of mind and awakening of the intrinsic faith and the Real Self. The supreme power of Gayatri is said to have descended on the earth for this purpose. Gurudev manifested in his life the divine radiance of Gayatri and wholeheartedly consecrated himself for the propagation of the deep knowledge of the super science of Gayatri and Yajóa among the masses all his life.
The Prajóa PuraÌcaraña initiated by him in the 1980 was the first ever collective spiritual sadhana of the Modern Age. His seer vision visualized the last twelve years of the second millennium as most crucial transitional period from darkness to light. This spiritual experiment of global impact spans the 12-year period from the Âïvin Nava Ratri (in the month of November) of 1988 and the Vasant Pancami day (in January) of 2001.
Commenting on the long-term effects of this collective spiritual endeavor, P¿jya Gurudev writes –– “The Yug Sandhi MahapuraÌcaraña is the greatest dharmanuÌÚhana of this era. The participants in this collective sadhana would attain unique inner strength and enlightened personalities. The emergence of waves of divine energies in the environment will lead to the highest good of all beings. The flow (of mahapraña) educed thereby will influence people across the globe and thus create the ideal ambience for glorious growth and all-round development of the world towards peace, joy and prudence”.
The sadhakas of the mahapuraÌcaraña were assigned three major tasks –– (i) whole hearted participation in the altruist activities of social reform and reconstruction; (ii) expanding the Vicara Kranti Abhiyan by refining their own thinking and enlightening the masses; (iii) collective Gayatri Meditation and Mantra-Japa (performed simultaneously at a fixed time interval every day) for purification of the subliminal environment of life.
All the above activities were centrally coordinated from Shantikunj. The sadhakas distributed across the globe sincerely carried out the assigned duties as per the inspirations and training received here or as per the guidance offered through the publications of the Gayatri Pariwar -Yug Nirman Yojna and the practical advice of the experienced sadhakas, representatives of the center.
The mission’s ongoing projects of social and national reconstruction – ranging from mass education, elimination of superstitions and untoward customs, improvement of people’s health, etc, to reformation and refinement of the psychological and spiritual domains of people’s life, have gained remarkable momentum during the period (1988-2000) of the Yug Sandhi MahapuraÌcaraña. The Gayatri Pariwar is also offering special training programmes of moral education, personality development, self-reliant education and self-employment schemes for rural areas. In addition, it is making constructive contributions in several non-governmental and government projects of nation building.
The monumental sagacious writings (over 3000 treatises/books/booklets in Hindi) of Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya on wide ranging of topics concerning almost all facets of life are one of the most valuable assets of the humanity. A number of these and some other publications and magazines of the mission have been or are being translated and published in several other languages. This expansion of Yug-Sahitya has also become rapid and manifold during the abovementioned 12-year period.
The series of dipa-yajóas and gyana-yajóas organized during this period in large number of villages, towns and cities in different parts of the country and in several cities abroad have boosted the revolutionary cascade of purification of thoughts and righteous orientation of attitudes – among the masses, under the Vicara Kranti Abhiyan. The three-month long training programmes of Yug Ïilpi Sadhana, running throughout the year at Shantikunj, have produced many talented volunteers who would adeptly continue expanding this process with greater zeal and motivation.
After the mahaprayaña of P¿jya Gurudev on Gayatri Jayanti day, June2, 1990, the Ïraddhanjali Samaroha, Ïapath Samaroha and the series of twenty-seven Aïvamedha Yajóas of the Deva Sanskriti Digvijaya Abhiyan – for the resurrection and expansion of the —Ìi culture in true light of science and spirituality, were accomplished by the divine grace of his subliminal protection and under the auspicious presence and guidance of Vandaniya Mataji Bhagwati Devi Sharma. These grand events provided immense momentum to the spread of the noble cause of the mission – dedicated to the emergence of a bright era for humanity. The message of the new era reached all corners of the globe via these mass movements of spiritual and cultural arousal.
Vandaniya Mataji too joined P¿jya Gurudev in the invisible sublime realms after renouncing her physical sheath in September 1994. The mission has continued its growth by the angelic blessings of the Gurusattas since then. In addition, about four hundred Sanskara Mahotsavas have been organized. These have further helped in creating awareness about the light of the virtuous values of the Indian Culture (the —Ìi culture) amongst about forty million men and women in different rural and urban areas of the country. With the voluntary support of thousands of devoted nonresident Indians, the mission’s activities have been propagated in about eighty countries abroad; thus forming the All World Gayatri Pariwar. This has indeed been an epoch-making expansion of the Vicara Kranti Abhiyana.
The third and the strongest aspect of the “Yug Sandhi MahapuraÌcaraña” has been the collective endeavors of dedicated Gayatri Sadhanas and prayers for the purification of the subtle world and arousal of divinity hidden in mankind to create an ambience of supernal glory on the earth. The initial target of 24 crore japas of Gayatri Mantra per day might appear rather ambitious and hard to be achieved. However, this was effectively accomplished with the collective participation of over 24 lakh sadhakas, who used to perform japa and Gayatri Meditation for about ten minutes simultaneously during a fixed time interval around sunrise everyday.
The number of sadhakas continued to increase every year. Over 2400 crores Gayatri Mantra Japas are being offered every year at Shantikunj alone. Adding the regular collective japas by over 24 lakh sadhakas performed at the 2400 Ïaktipithas and 24000 Prajóa Sansthanas, spread all over the world, indeed makes this number huge enough to vibrate the cosmic flow of praña and the collective consciousness. The collective prayer programmes on Sundays organized at these local centers consist of mental prayer and meditation, chanting of Gayatri Calisa and Gayatri Stawana, and vocal japa of Gayatri Mantra with dipa yajóas. This is followed by singing of inspiring devotional songs and satsang and swadhyaya.
The 9-days sadhana satras of spiritual refinement and personality development are regular features of Shantikunj’s schedule. These also involve performance of Laghu AnuÌÚhanas of Gayatri at this Siddha Tirtha. The spiritually charged atmosphere of this ashram and the continuous flow of the vibrations of the Gayatri Mantra in its subtle ambience lend supramental support in sadhaka’s spiritual progress.
The participation in these satras has also exponentially increased during the MahapuraÌcaraña – period. The enlightened sadhakas associated with the mission since long time also perform at least one laghu anuÌÚhana every year at this sacred Gayatri Tirtha. All the participants in the sadhana satras have contributed in the gigantic japa yagya of this MahapuraÌcaraña. Meditation on rising sun is an integral part of these japa-sadhanas to enable illumination of the sadhakas’ inner self and the collective consciousness by the eternal glow of the Mahapraña of Savita.
Milestones of Mahap¿rñahuti
The collective japas of the Gayatri Mantra in the Yug Sandhi Mahapuraïcaraña had reached 240 billion japas per day towards in the concluding part of this transitional 12-year period. The Mahapurnahuti (completion) of this unique spiritual experiment was commemorated in five phases involving eminent sadhanas, yajóas, focused collective prayers and mass-awareness programs at grass-root level.
The arddha-p¿rñahuti of this mahapuraïcaraña was organized at Anvalkheda village of Agra District in November 1995. Over 40 lakh people had participated in this Aïvamedha Yajóa, which inspired refinement of mental tendencies and eradication of social evils in a significant way.
During the second phase, the year 1999 was observed as the “Sadhana VarÌa” (year of sadhana). Its commencement on the Vasant Pancami day wrote a new chapter in modern history marking a twenty-four hours AkhañÃa (continuous) Gayatri Japa followed by collective prayers for bright future for all – performed simultaneously at more than 24,000 centers of the Gayatri Pariwar with a participation of over a million sadhakas. Apart from the regular sadhana of the mahapuraïcaraña during this year, 108 special Gayatri Japas were done by each sadhaka every day solely as a prayer for global peace and to ward off wars, natural calamities and growing adversities. Special ahutis (of havan samagri) with collective chanting of selected vedic mantras were offered in the daily yajóas for this purpose.
On 3rd December 1999 coinciding with the Pulse-Polio Day, mass prayers of all religions were organized by the Gayatri Pariwar on this day (between 5pm and 6pm) with participation of people from different faiths to generate public awareness for health. “Healthy Body and Happy Mind” was the focus of these prayers. As per the reports from the ïaktipithas and other local centers, a minimum of one crore people offered their prayers and participated in the concluding dipa yajóas that day. Other religious communities and organizations had also collaborated at many places to make this rare interfaith event a grand success. Similar collective prayers for “Illumination of Mind and Bright Future for All” were organized worldwide with dipa yajóas on the Vasant Parva in February 2000.
Nationwide tirtha yatras (pilgrimage tours) of the villages and towns marked the later half of the third phase. Grand stirring and enlightenment of mass mentality was achieved by organizing the large number of dipa yajóas, exhibitions, inspiring discourses and educative conferences organized by the groups of mission’s talented volunteers. These dedicated and experienced sadhakas went with the holy kalaïa in different parts of the country – covering almost every state of India at the levels of villages, towns, districts and divisions. 108 grand dipa yajóas at divisional or state level were performed at the last sojourns of the yatras to channelize the mass-enthusiasm and motivation of talents towards the development of educated families, cultured society and progressive nation. Few such yatras were also arranged abroad. This phase concluded with the confluence of the yatras (from different directions) at Shantikunj on Gayatri Jayanti, June 2000.
A glorious Vibh¿ti Gyana Yagya was organized on 8th October 2000 in the national capital during the fourth phase. This was indeed a rare congregation at the Nehru Stadium, New Delhi that witnessed eminent talents from almost all walks of life pledging for their constructive support/participation in the “Yug Nirman Yojana” in the presence of intellectuals and dignitaries and representatives from other voluntary (NGOs) and religious organizations, governments and media.
The All World Gayatri Pariwar had also mobilized sevenfold developmental revolutionary projects (sapta krantis) in the fields of Sadhana, Education, Health, Self-Reliance, Environmental Safety and Purification, Women’s Empowerment, and Social Reformation and Refinement during this phase.
The foundation of the “Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya” (DSVV) – aimed at resurrecting the spirit of globally reputed ancient universities like Takshila and Nalanda, is another milestone in the onward march of the mission towards the renaissance of the Divine Culture.
The fourth phase concluded with the grand Srajan Sankalpa Mahayajóa (7-11 November 2000) at Hardwar. Over five million sadhakas from all over the world had participated in this millenium Sautramañi – Pur¿Ìa Medha Yajóa of 1551 KuñÃas on the banks of the holy Ganges. The grandeur, disciplined organization and flawless arrangements of this spectacular yajóa and the accompanying events of conferences/discourses, exhibitions and dipa yajóas defy description in words. All those who participated in or witnessed this historic dharmanuÌÚhana or its preparations experienced the Hand of the Divine Force behind it.
These together with the pristine illuminations of the majestic dipa and gyana yajóas performed with the worldwide collective prayer experiment in the last phase (on Vasant Pancami, January 2001) have boosted the faith of the masses in materialization of divine vision that inspired the Yug Sandhi Mahapuraïcaraña.
The purification of the subliminal environment has begun in cosmic dimensions. Its manifestation in the visible world and culmination in the dawn of the new Age of truth, peace and happiness is a certainty that is going to be visible for all to see as we move ahead in the 21st Century. Timely preparation for the same and dedicated participation in the collective endeavors and constructive movements initiated during the Yug Sandhi Mahapuraïcaraña are the wake up calls of the Time Spirit for the youth of this generation so that they go down the annals of history as the architects of the new, bright era.
The origin of the “Âstha Sankata” being deeply rooted in the human mental and emotional depths can be destroyed only by spiritual refinement of mind and awakening of the intrinsic faith and the Real Self. The supreme power of Gayatri is said to have descended on the earth for this purpose. Gurudev manifested in his life the divine radiance of Gayatri and wholeheartedly consecrated himself for the propagation of the deep knowledge of the super science of Gayatri and Yajóa among the masses all his life.
The Prajóa PuraÌcaraña initiated by him in the 1980 was the first ever collective spiritual sadhana of the Modern Age. His seer vision visualized the last twelve years of the second millennium as most crucial transitional period from darkness to light. This spiritual experiment of global impact spans the 12-year period from the Âïvin Nava Ratri (in the month of November) of 1988 and the Vasant Pancami day (in January) of 2001.
Commenting on the long-term effects of this collective spiritual endeavor, P¿jya Gurudev writes –– “The Yug Sandhi MahapuraÌcaraña is the greatest dharmanuÌÚhana of this era. The participants in this collective sadhana would attain unique inner strength and enlightened personalities. The emergence of waves of divine energies in the environment will lead to the highest good of all beings. The flow (of mahapraña) educed thereby will influence people across the globe and thus create the ideal ambience for glorious growth and all-round development of the world towards peace, joy and prudence”.
The sadhakas of the mahapuraÌcaraña were assigned three major tasks –– (i) whole hearted participation in the altruist activities of social reform and reconstruction; (ii) expanding the Vicara Kranti Abhiyan by refining their own thinking and enlightening the masses; (iii) collective Gayatri Meditation and Mantra-Japa (performed simultaneously at a fixed time interval every day) for purification of the subliminal environment of life.
All the above activities were centrally coordinated from Shantikunj. The sadhakas distributed across the globe sincerely carried out the assigned duties as per the inspirations and training received here or as per the guidance offered through the publications of the Gayatri Pariwar -Yug Nirman Yojna and the practical advice of the experienced sadhakas, representatives of the center.
The mission’s ongoing projects of social and national reconstruction – ranging from mass education, elimination of superstitions and untoward customs, improvement of people’s health, etc, to reformation and refinement of the psychological and spiritual domains of people’s life, have gained remarkable momentum during the period (1988-2000) of the Yug Sandhi MahapuraÌcaraña. The Gayatri Pariwar is also offering special training programmes of moral education, personality development, self-reliant education and self-employment schemes for rural areas. In addition, it is making constructive contributions in several non-governmental and government projects of nation building.
The monumental sagacious writings (over 3000 treatises/books/booklets in Hindi) of Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya on wide ranging of topics concerning almost all facets of life are one of the most valuable assets of the humanity. A number of these and some other publications and magazines of the mission have been or are being translated and published in several other languages. This expansion of Yug-Sahitya has also become rapid and manifold during the abovementioned 12-year period.
The series of dipa-yajóas and gyana-yajóas organized during this period in large number of villages, towns and cities in different parts of the country and in several cities abroad have boosted the revolutionary cascade of purification of thoughts and righteous orientation of attitudes – among the masses, under the Vicara Kranti Abhiyan. The three-month long training programmes of Yug Ïilpi Sadhana, running throughout the year at Shantikunj, have produced many talented volunteers who would adeptly continue expanding this process with greater zeal and motivation.
After the mahaprayaña of P¿jya Gurudev on Gayatri Jayanti day, June2, 1990, the Ïraddhanjali Samaroha, Ïapath Samaroha and the series of twenty-seven Aïvamedha Yajóas of the Deva Sanskriti Digvijaya Abhiyan – for the resurrection and expansion of the —Ìi culture in true light of science and spirituality, were accomplished by the divine grace of his subliminal protection and under the auspicious presence and guidance of Vandaniya Mataji Bhagwati Devi Sharma. These grand events provided immense momentum to the spread of the noble cause of the mission – dedicated to the emergence of a bright era for humanity. The message of the new era reached all corners of the globe via these mass movements of spiritual and cultural arousal.
Vandaniya Mataji too joined P¿jya Gurudev in the invisible sublime realms after renouncing her physical sheath in September 1994. The mission has continued its growth by the angelic blessings of the Gurusattas since then. In addition, about four hundred Sanskara Mahotsavas have been organized. These have further helped in creating awareness about the light of the virtuous values of the Indian Culture (the —Ìi culture) amongst about forty million men and women in different rural and urban areas of the country. With the voluntary support of thousands of devoted nonresident Indians, the mission’s activities have been propagated in about eighty countries abroad; thus forming the All World Gayatri Pariwar. This has indeed been an epoch-making expansion of the Vicara Kranti Abhiyana.
The third and the strongest aspect of the “Yug Sandhi MahapuraÌcaraña” has been the collective endeavors of dedicated Gayatri Sadhanas and prayers for the purification of the subtle world and arousal of divinity hidden in mankind to create an ambience of supernal glory on the earth. The initial target of 24 crore japas of Gayatri Mantra per day might appear rather ambitious and hard to be achieved. However, this was effectively accomplished with the collective participation of over 24 lakh sadhakas, who used to perform japa and Gayatri Meditation for about ten minutes simultaneously during a fixed time interval around sunrise everyday.
The number of sadhakas continued to increase every year. Over 2400 crores Gayatri Mantra Japas are being offered every year at Shantikunj alone. Adding the regular collective japas by over 24 lakh sadhakas performed at the 2400 Ïaktipithas and 24000 Prajóa Sansthanas, spread all over the world, indeed makes this number huge enough to vibrate the cosmic flow of praña and the collective consciousness. The collective prayer programmes on Sundays organized at these local centers consist of mental prayer and meditation, chanting of Gayatri Calisa and Gayatri Stawana, and vocal japa of Gayatri Mantra with dipa yajóas. This is followed by singing of inspiring devotional songs and satsang and swadhyaya.
The 9-days sadhana satras of spiritual refinement and personality development are regular features of Shantikunj’s schedule. These also involve performance of Laghu AnuÌÚhanas of Gayatri at this Siddha Tirtha. The spiritually charged atmosphere of this ashram and the continuous flow of the vibrations of the Gayatri Mantra in its subtle ambience lend supramental support in sadhaka’s spiritual progress.
The participation in these satras has also exponentially increased during the MahapuraÌcaraña – period. The enlightened sadhakas associated with the mission since long time also perform at least one laghu anuÌÚhana every year at this sacred Gayatri Tirtha. All the participants in the sadhana satras have contributed in the gigantic japa yagya of this MahapuraÌcaraña. Meditation on rising sun is an integral part of these japa-sadhanas to enable illumination of the sadhakas’ inner self and the collective consciousness by the eternal glow of the Mahapraña of Savita.
Milestones of Mahap¿rñahuti
The collective japas of the Gayatri Mantra in the Yug Sandhi Mahapuraïcaraña had reached 240 billion japas per day towards in the concluding part of this transitional 12-year period. The Mahapurnahuti (completion) of this unique spiritual experiment was commemorated in five phases involving eminent sadhanas, yajóas, focused collective prayers and mass-awareness programs at grass-root level.
The arddha-p¿rñahuti of this mahapuraïcaraña was organized at Anvalkheda village of Agra District in November 1995. Over 40 lakh people had participated in this Aïvamedha Yajóa, which inspired refinement of mental tendencies and eradication of social evils in a significant way.
During the second phase, the year 1999 was observed as the “Sadhana VarÌa” (year of sadhana). Its commencement on the Vasant Pancami day wrote a new chapter in modern history marking a twenty-four hours AkhañÃa (continuous) Gayatri Japa followed by collective prayers for bright future for all – performed simultaneously at more than 24,000 centers of the Gayatri Pariwar with a participation of over a million sadhakas. Apart from the regular sadhana of the mahapuraïcaraña during this year, 108 special Gayatri Japas were done by each sadhaka every day solely as a prayer for global peace and to ward off wars, natural calamities and growing adversities. Special ahutis (of havan samagri) with collective chanting of selected vedic mantras were offered in the daily yajóas for this purpose.
On 3rd December 1999 coinciding with the Pulse-Polio Day, mass prayers of all religions were organized by the Gayatri Pariwar on this day (between 5pm and 6pm) with participation of people from different faiths to generate public awareness for health. “Healthy Body and Happy Mind” was the focus of these prayers. As per the reports from the ïaktipithas and other local centers, a minimum of one crore people offered their prayers and participated in the concluding dipa yajóas that day. Other religious communities and organizations had also collaborated at many places to make this rare interfaith event a grand success. Similar collective prayers for “Illumination of Mind and Bright Future for All” were organized worldwide with dipa yajóas on the Vasant Parva in February 2000.
Nationwide tirtha yatras (pilgrimage tours) of the villages and towns marked the later half of the third phase. Grand stirring and enlightenment of mass mentality was achieved by organizing the large number of dipa yajóas, exhibitions, inspiring discourses and educative conferences organized by the groups of mission’s talented volunteers. These dedicated and experienced sadhakas went with the holy kalaïa in different parts of the country – covering almost every state of India at the levels of villages, towns, districts and divisions. 108 grand dipa yajóas at divisional or state level were performed at the last sojourns of the yatras to channelize the mass-enthusiasm and motivation of talents towards the development of educated families, cultured society and progressive nation. Few such yatras were also arranged abroad. This phase concluded with the confluence of the yatras (from different directions) at Shantikunj on Gayatri Jayanti, June 2000.
A glorious Vibh¿ti Gyana Yagya was organized on 8th October 2000 in the national capital during the fourth phase. This was indeed a rare congregation at the Nehru Stadium, New Delhi that witnessed eminent talents from almost all walks of life pledging for their constructive support/participation in the “Yug Nirman Yojana” in the presence of intellectuals and dignitaries and representatives from other voluntary (NGOs) and religious organizations, governments and media.
The All World Gayatri Pariwar had also mobilized sevenfold developmental revolutionary projects (sapta krantis) in the fields of Sadhana, Education, Health, Self-Reliance, Environmental Safety and Purification, Women’s Empowerment, and Social Reformation and Refinement during this phase.
The foundation of the “Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya” (DSVV) – aimed at resurrecting the spirit of globally reputed ancient universities like Takshila and Nalanda, is another milestone in the onward march of the mission towards the renaissance of the Divine Culture.
The fourth phase concluded with the grand Srajan Sankalpa Mahayajóa (7-11 November 2000) at Hardwar. Over five million sadhakas from all over the world had participated in this millenium Sautramañi – Pur¿Ìa Medha Yajóa of 1551 KuñÃas on the banks of the holy Ganges. The grandeur, disciplined organization and flawless arrangements of this spectacular yajóa and the accompanying events of conferences/discourses, exhibitions and dipa yajóas defy description in words. All those who participated in or witnessed this historic dharmanuÌÚhana or its preparations experienced the Hand of the Divine Force behind it.
These together with the pristine illuminations of the majestic dipa and gyana yajóas performed with the worldwide collective prayer experiment in the last phase (on Vasant Pancami, January 2001) have boosted the faith of the masses in materialization of divine vision that inspired the Yug Sandhi Mahapuraïcaraña.
The purification of the subliminal environment has begun in cosmic dimensions. Its manifestation in the visible world and culmination in the dawn of the new Age of truth, peace and happiness is a certainty that is going to be visible for all to see as we move ahead in the 21st Century. Timely preparation for the same and dedicated participation in the collective endeavors and constructive movements initiated during the Yug Sandhi Mahapuraïcaraña are the wake up calls of the Time Spirit for the youth of this generation so that they go down the annals of history as the architects of the new, bright era.