Indian Culture or Hinduism, as it is popularly known, is like a huge tree with its branches representing various systems of religious thought. Gayatri Mantra, from which the Vedas are said to be originated is the foundation of this Divine Culture . The Vedas represent the religious tradition and their extension Upanishads represent the philosophy upon which that tradition is based.
Indian Culture essentially preaches: Peaceful coexistence, potential divinity of an individual, freedom of thought, Cosmic Unity, non-violence in word, deed, and thought, reverence for all forms of life, and
The law of karma: As you sow so shall you reap and rebirth. Unlike other religions of the world, Hinduism does not date from a particular point in time, and has no particular founder. It is based upon the insight and experiences of a large number of sages, saints, and seers. It is essentially a way of life, known in Sanskrit as Sanatana Dharma (Sanatana means eternal and Dharma means righteousness or religion).