251 Kundiya Mahayagya lighting the lamp of new consciousness: Nation building and addiction freedom
Deep Mahayagya was organized under "Rashtra Jagran 251 Kundiya Gayatri Mahayagya" organized in Amethi, in which 24 thousand lamps were lighted by the seekers took an important step towards nation building, health, yoga and addiction freedom. This event concluded as an important link before the centenary celebrations of Gayatri family of Aradhya Param Vandaniya Mata ji and Divya Akhand Deep.
Respected Dr. the opposition of Dev Sanskriti University on this unique occasion Chinmay Pandya ji presented his inspirational thoughts while participating in Mahayagya. He said in his address, "The tradition of yagna towards world welfare is a tradition that awakens the honor of the nation." We should all feel proud to be part of eternal culture. "He further said, "Revolution happens in his life, which allows it to happen." ”
Dr. Pandya ji inspired youth to move forward towards personality building and nation building. He presented the inspirational literature of Param Pujya Gurudev to all the guests, distinguished people and seekers attending the program, who provides guidance to understand and adopt the objectives of spirituality and humanity in life.
Respected Dr in this special program Mr. Pramod Bhatnagar ji, Mr. Narendra Thakur ji and Mr. Uday Mishra ji of Shantikunj central team along with Chinmay Pandya ji were present. Also, among other prestigious persons, Transport Minister of Uttar Pradesh Government Mr. Dayashankar Singh ji, Minister of Food and Logistics Mr. Satish Chandra Sharma ji, Prison Minister Dara Singh ji, lyricist and poet Mr. Manoj Muntashir Shukla ji, MLA Mr. Rakesh Pratap Singh ji, and District Panchayat President Mr. Rajesh Kumar Agrahari was involved.